Abstract 3.0

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by The Fish, Feb 8, 2012.

  1. The Fish

    The Fish Forerunner

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    Abstract 3.0

    Download link: Click here!

    Abstract is a map I've been working on for quite some time now. I like how it has a big Sanctuary feel but with it's own uniqueness to the whole thing. Sorry but I just kinda copypasted this from the TG cause I wanted a thread people could actually post to, and I want TG feedback. :3

    Both the snipes and the rockets are 120 respawn with no extra clips.


    Initial loadout camera:

    Bottom blue,ramp and large entrance. That grass in the base is were the initial spawns are (AND IT SHOWS OFF THE SEXY NEEDLER IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT!)

    Front of Blue, with a rock jump up at the front. Flag spawns top middle of each base. Snipe is right there at the initial spawn, along with a straight shoot into the other teams base. You can also see the health pack in the bottom right, across from the snipe.

    Red team rock garden, jump up, and small entrance. (AND THE ANNOYING PLASMA PISTOL AT THE BOTTOM!)

    Center, there are 6 ways into the top(The bridges, the ranp jump up, and the rock jump up) and 4 in the bottom. (There are just fours doors, but you can't see the one under the bridge from here.) Rockets spawn in bottom, neutral objective at top.

    The side bases, housing a Covie fusion coil and a plasma grenade in the top. With a two-way teleporter in the bottom taking you to the other side.

    Another angle of bottom side bases. There's a health back on each side down here. When you come out this side (Going towards where I took the picture) you go right into the rock garden. Perfect for a more stealthy approach.

    Thanks for looking! Oh yea, and I hid a cone. :p
    #1 The Fish, Feb 8, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2012
  2. xdemption

    xdemption ATN
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I must say this version plays much better than the others, Aesthetics look pretty good, I like the base design bit better too considering player flow. I do feel like this map could use something different, not sure what you could add but for now let the map just be enjoyable to play on. The 3rd version I believe is something you should release.
  3. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I like the simplicity of the map- nothing too difficult to understand.

    Aesthetics wise, it's not..flashy, which certainly isn't a bad thing because you're probably focused more on gameplay.

    The map reminds me a bit of Asylum and looks to have some pretty interesting sightlines. I could see sniping working well on a map like this.

    The only thing I can recommend you do, is remove the lights. They cause FRL and using them to signify bases is overdone. Try using colored forge pieces to signify bases.

    Examples: The sides of a platform Y, Struts, Braces.

    I'd like to give this map a try sometime. I'll give it a DL and come back if I have any complaints or praise. Good work.
  4. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks much better than some other versions I've seen. The only real suggestion I have is to change the 5x1 flat in the second to last pic. It looks out of place. Other than that a real nice playing map.
  5. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Looks greatly improved from the version I played awhile ago. Good job!
  6. The Fish

    The Fish Forerunner

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    Thanks guys, I enjoy the words of praise. As soon as I get some answers to
    my important questions in the TG I will have this map posted.

    I know the lights cause framerate, but I want them there because personally I have a hard time knowing which base is which without a huge visual indicator. The lights however will be the first thing to go if framerate is an issue.

    Now I know that 5 by 1, and I know how much they don't mesh with everything else. But I could think of no other piece that fit and be able to walk under it.

    Again, thanks for the words of praise.


    I've come to the realization that there are multiple pieces I could put in place of that 5 by 1 but sadly none look better then the rest. I shall keep the 5 by 1 because it uses the least ammount of pieces tp fill that gap. Now On the other hand I did fix some of the spawn issues I had forgot to fix so the DL link has been changed.
    #6 The Fish, Feb 8, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2012

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