Decided to make a gallery of good games i had recently. 4/26/08 thats 2 games from the past 2 days. i wanna see what beats that
whoo yeah! ive been waiting for a chance to show my stuff off! lol heres probably one of my nicest games: my second game was multi flag CTF on avalanche.. i was the appointed flag protector. nothing got by me.. except when a warthog with no one in it went over the grav lift and splattered me: kninja EDIT: oh and this one.. even though it was five to eight.. you would think they could have done better kninja
Loan Wolfs. Map Construct. +17 K/D spread. Tool of Destruction - Energy Sword 15 kills.
i had a perfection onces on gaurdian with sniper/br/grav hammer but i cant find the game but the entire vid is on my share
A friend (TERP12) played against Frankie, from Bungie, w/ recon and all that. It wasnt that pwnage, but just having him play with you is awesome. I'm so jealous LINK
wait relys did you post that picture thread? cause the picture from the game i just saw in a picture thread on these forums no perfection because some1 quit