Here are some pictures I took that I think are good and they all have a good amount of downloads on I was bored so I posted this if you want go to my fileshare on bungie to get the pitcires. Prowling Poison Angel Blue Sniper Red Juicy Spartan (help me with name plz):frustrated:
This looks like a pretty good gallery. I love your Angel picture, it's amazing. What filter is that again? I hope to see more screens from you. Good Job.
Yeah these are beast,The "Poison could be called smoker if you look at it for a mintute.And the lighting for "angel"is off the biggest hook ever.Finally the last one is okay and a good name wouild be survivor.Contact me at TiltaBeast via xboxlive and we could get together.Overall they are okay.Pretty good ones though.
I like Blue snipe, and I thought about it and came up with Brutality for the juicy red spartan.Msg me if you choose to use it.Would like to know I helped.Great pics!
I like all of them except "Poison." The blur effect is a little too blurry and it makes it look kind of bad. Other than that, they are all decent. For the last one you could call it Cherry Popper. Lolz.
Alright then here is my review 1st. My least favorite out of the screen shots mainly because of the sword and the head of the spartan. the head is very dark and the sword is like a torch. Like the background though for some reason. 3/5 2nd. The spartan is in a great standing position which i like but it is a bit blurry which doesn't appeal to me. 3/5 3rd. My favorite out of the selection. the position of the spartan is once again great and the background is terrific as well. 5/5 4th. Another great screen shot here. Good colour choice but the lighting is bad. 4/5 5th. And lastly is a good screenshot. The colors blend in with the background excellently. Red and yellow nice choice. 4.5/5
These would be great screenshots if the lighting was better and if some of them were focused better. 3.2/5