Well I recently tried my hand at screenshots. Here are my best. Crystal ODST Armor (my favorite) Shooting into the Sunlight Inspecting a Radiation Source Radioactive Battle A Last Stand (my second favorite) Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 Screenshots
the second one is my fave just because of the fact that the gun looks like some kind of religious key or something to me. it makes me think of some dude with a really powerful weapon. nice job 3.9/5
The crystal effect is done by throeing around equipment in the 'Blue Room' under Snowbound. You can download the map from somewhere - just search around the site a little, it's bound to be here. Onto the screenshots...For me, the best is Last Stand. It seems like an old memory of battle - which is really nice. The radiation source pic is fantastic too because of the glowing greenish/yellow radiation (of course) and that if you look in the background, the piece of junk on the floor looks like part of a machine (maybe from a nuclear power plant). The spartan looks as if he is in a potective suit too.
Yeah, I guess these are pretty EPIC! The lighting is major rapage as well. Also, the ODST is rapage x4.
These are pretty coll but I must admit that I am getting tired of people throwing in some effects and explosions and taking screenshots. It may just be me but they are getting pretty boring. You did a good job, though. 4/5... no, wait... 3.5/5. Thats a C, which is average.