Heres a map based on a map I made, but I decided to do the budget glitch to put more weapons, so I had to start all over. But, I made it really better this time. Again, this is another map which allows players to fight on the level or under the level. 8-16 players This map was made for Team slayer, slayer and an Infection map I made which is below Link to Abandoned Heres the link to the viarant GULP The viarant is KICK @$$! You start off as a scientist with a battle rifle and a shotgun and try to kill those freakish alien things. The good news is that their weak. The bad news is that they have a 125 meter radar, grenades, are invisible, and can pick up any weapon on the floor. Pics Here is an over view of the whole map Here is what it looks like inside the map Here is another view inside the map Entrance to underground #1 Inside underground #1 Entrance to underground #2 Inside underground # 2 Front-side of the level Back-side of the level Hallway to the front and back-side of the level
This looks really well thought out, but kind of sloppily* made. I don't know if that makes sense to use but you should interlock some of the objects. The weapon placement also gets my attention. There are a lot of power weapons close together. I.E., Spartan lazer and overshields and turrets close together. P.S. i love the taco shack in the last picture lol.
Pretty nicely done, overall it looks nice some spots could use interlocking. The weapons placement could use an adjustments.
Wow..WOW.. thats what I thought at first glance, then I realized you didnt interlock anything. =[ This looks like it has so much potential. I think you should definately make a revised version and make everything nice and smooth. GJ tho..