
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by twisted gaming1111, Feb 3, 2009.

  1. twisted gaming1111

    Senior Member

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    During the construction of alpha halo 04, this facility was the main supply warehouse for various things. electronics, tools, & wire all used by the forerunners in the construction phase. Building such a place required alot of these supply houses. This one of several left ABANDONED. After the invasion, all equipment and weapons left behind, they moved to setup construction of delta halo 05,the second of seven ancient ring facilities. 100,000 years later Cortana was uploaded into halo's network at this warehouse... code named 343. She discovered halo's true use, to prevent the flood from spreading throughout the galaxy. Some say that there is a energy sword left behind. Was it the ruler of the Sangheili's sword. Could he have been here. Why was this place code named 343? Could they have meant 343 guilty spark? He may have the answers that the prophets are seeking.

    techniques: merge and interlocking

    weapons: 2 snipers, i found through testing that it was much needed for this large map, 1 sword, 1 shotgun on kitchen table.. and of course br's and nades

    Also there is a little secret room for hiding, just right to hide in, for that lucky person who sneaks into the warehouse....can u find it

    slayer,ffa,or Infection supported

    now the good stuff:

    top of the wire spools is a great place for some BR shooting, just a short jump from the forklift




    -----> Also there is a back kitchen area and forklift workstation with lifts inside warehouse

    hint: See the inviso?? behind it is some boxes stacked , on the top is a sniper u can jump from sniper and land and get inviso... and let the snipeing begin...

    i really could post alot more pics cause its so big but this will give u a great idea what the maps about... thanks for viewing and downloading...

    note: i ran out of money so i couldnt put anymore boxes in main area...so i had to move things around
    DOWNLOAD: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 twisted gaming1111, Feb 3, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2009
  2. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Really nice twisted. I like the shelving on the out side of the building, and the smoothness of the exterior itself is good. I can see this being really fun for CTF or Infection. What gametypes are supported? Some action shots from various gametypes may help you sell the map a little better.
  3. twisted gaming1111

    Senior Member

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    thanks for the tip i forgot to add gametypes,lol i fixed it grrrrr.
  4. Toofgib

    Toofgib Ancient
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    wow I really like this map the warehouse looks really good and the outside part also does to. This map would be extremely fun for Infection. The shelf outside the warehouse is my favorite part, I didnt realized you could make a shelf like that.

    Good Job

  5. EleKtRa

    EleKtRa Ancient
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    I really like this map, its got a great layout and look. I think the weapon layout is good although i personaly wouldnt have a sword. the interlocking and geomerging is smooth and effective and all together i really do like this map, 5/5 for me
  6. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    Like others have said, I think that this map would/should be for infection. I mean, its great that you set it up for slayer and stuff, but from my point of view, I think it would do better in the eating brains part of halo. I mean come on, what kind competitive map has a hidden room. Anyways, to the actual map, it looks pretty good. The merged wall ramps look good, and the fortress type thing looks cool aswell. 3/5
  7. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    looks like a nice map, i like the story to it and it actually looks like a warehouse.a little open but still well designed. i wounder about the sword though,... i always do.
  8. twisted gaming1111

    Senior Member

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    if i remember correctly i set the sword to not respawn so its a one time use thing,, lol plus it gets people in the upper room
  9. Running Chron

    Running Chron Ancient
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    Looks really clean, and you really get the feeling of being in a warehouse from what I can see. You might give a suggestion to which of the suggested game-type's works the best, or present a custom variant for one of the game-type's. The map looks great and I love the story line, keep up the good work.
  10. dontknowme42

    dontknowme42 Ancient
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    holy crap this map is very sexy
    the aesthetics are amazing
    IMO this map would be very good for ctf 1 flag
    and the warehouse would be the defenders
    o god it sexy favorite map of today for me
  11. Bl4ckhawk

    Bl4ckhawk Ancient
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    wow this map looks awsome! I'll deffinatly DL it looks great for infection and actually, it looks feature worthy. excellent job 5/5 from me and i hope to c more from u!
  12. MNM1245

    MNM1245 Ancient
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    Looks really cool. I like how you have a background story and everything. But like some others have said you need some action shots of gametypes but you still got my DL. It looks great for some Infection 2. Possibly In The Shadows or whatever that Gametype is
  13. waterflame

    waterflame Ancient
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    i also commend you on the shelf very nice interlocking
    and geomerging looks very clean this looks like it would be a fun infection map
    because of the warhouse i like the story behind it im so going to D/L nice
    job keep it up
  14. BboyLeon

    BboyLeon Ancient
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    AWESOME aesthetics

    AWESOME story

    But in my opinion it still seems too open of a map. You should make more hallways, pillars, just to give it extra aesthetic and gameplay value.

    I don't really know how it plays so i'll give it a DL

    4/5 for now.
  15. i can forge

    i can forge Ancient
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    nothing too special maybe a good one bomb map that would be pretty cool, i also like how you used merging and geo merging with interlocking it always makes me happy too see people putting these techniques in there maps
  16. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    the thing i love most about this map is the simplicity. your interlocking and geomerging is so spot on, that it looks utterly natural and really ads to the feel of the map. the only thing i think it lacks are more of the bridge-fencewall shelves, they look so beautifull and really hilight the map nicely.
  17. twisted gaming1111

    Senior Member

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    Does anybody have this map ,, put it in your file share.. please let me know i dont have it anymore due to hdd failure and would like to dl... thanks gamertag: twisted gaming
    #17 twisted gaming1111, Nov 12, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2009

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