An Ohio farmer would like to invite you to get lost inside the head of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.A 16-acre corn maze near the town of Whitehouse has been carved in Palin's likeness, complete with her familiar updo hairstyle and eyeglasses.Farmer Duke Wheeler says that Palin created a lot of excitement in the campaign and that he was hoping to generate some for this year's maze.Wheeler says it took an artist from Idaho at least eight hours to mow down stalks for the maze. I know there are some dedicated Republicans out there and people who love Sarah Palin, But I think this is a little insane and over the edge… For more odd news, visit Kn1ghtly Knews
Wow, why would you actually spend your time doing that! Well at least they will get benefits (not jobless etc) if the Republicans get into the White House. But will feel really bad if the Democrats win. I'm English and hope the Democraats win so... yeah whatever. They're just crazy
that is sick. i heart sarah palin. boo dems, go reps. when we took this test thing in school to see our political side or something along those lines, the scale went from 1-50. The lower you were the more conservative republican, the higher end was liberal democrat. 1 being ****/kkk member, 50 being totalitarian communist. i was a 4.
I'm a democrat... I think this is just insane, to go this far. This guy must worship Sarah Palin. PEDOREPUBLICAN
Yes to this. More Sarah Palin recognition please. Burn her face into the moon with a laser. Don her lunar image with a attentive glare so that the Russian people may know the unblinking warrior princess of America is always watching them.
Lol. Spend more time fixing our economy with your fresh foods mr. Farmer. Like the republicans are going to fix your personal problems. They are just gonna give all their monies to the rich peeplez.
I guess its only fair Barack already has probably half a dozen songs about him. Please, you don't even no what your talking about.
I would actually go to this thing, if it wasn't so damn far away. I'd go up to her mouth and stand there for a while. Pretty interesting find.