Okay so I haven't been on here for like a year, basically because my dad and step-mum broke up and the step-brother kept the xbox, which means I don't have an xbox.. or halo reach.. or forge. But then I randomly had an idea for invasion and thought I would share it. I have no idea if this is actually possible as I honestly can't remember, but basically in normal invasion, you have 3 phases, and in each phase you are getting closer to the main objective. My idea (like I said, not sure if its possible), is to have the main objective (final phase) always available to capture/complete, while the other two phases are simply unlocking things that will make it easier to complete the main objective. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the final phase is always the same; pick up the data core and take it to a safe point (can't remember if you can make the final phase different or not). So as a basic example, would be that basically there is a fairly open base at one side where the data core is located. The defending team starts in this area, and the base is always open so the attacking team can enter it whenever they want. The attacking team would start some distance outside the base with something in between to make the map interesting and play better (so its not just just flat land outside the base). The attacking would have a variety of land vehicles for use later in the game as part of an ambush. There would basically be two high side routes that go round the perimeter of the base, but these would be blocked, and the aim is to unlock them by controlling the territory outside them for 20 seconds. The territory would be enclosed/in a cave, but accessible from both the defending and attacking side of the map. Once the side routes are unlocked (the two must be done separately and are not necessarily symmetrical), there could be turrets or something similar that overlook the base. They can therefore be used to weaken the defending team by not allowing them the ability to crowd round the data core. Once the attacking team controls both side routes, the rest of them team can them ambush with vehicles and take the data core with relative ease. The main advantage of having the data core always available to capture is so that the defending team has to be organised and this would encourage team work; if they all went rushing to one territory to stop the attacking team from capturing it, an attacker could sense the opportunity and just jump on a mongoose and drive straight through the middle into the base and get the data core. The attacking team also have to use teamwork; if they all split up and went to different territories, they would never get anywhere, but if they stuck together and all went for the same territory, then they could outnumber and overpower the defences. I think this idea, if possible, would be successful because not only does it encourage team work, but also it keeps the defenders on their toes, not knowing where the next attack may come from; it gives the attacking team the element of surprise. The defending team would have to be careful not leave their backdoors open (lol). These factors would make this gametype more realistic to real life in my opinion, and also more fun and tense. Obviously, I'm never going to make this idea, so anyone is welcome to take it and try to develop it, I would love to see someone make it work. And if it's not possible, variations of it could be made on other gametypes such as Assault.. although obviously it would not be the same and probably not as good. P.S. I hope the idea makes sense? kthnxbi
I'm really sorry but you can't make a third phase objective available till the third phase. Still, nice idea.
You could make this work if you had all three phases setup for territories, and had their capture time set to instant or 1 second (which ever). Then have each phase present both a unique and a common territory. So you could capture the common territory and it would take you right into the next phase and you would be capturing the common territory again, and it would take you to the last phase and you would still be capturing it. Or you could progress the phases by capturing the unique territory associated with phases 1 and 2. It isn't exactly like you described, but it would "appear" very similar.