The Elite Brothers This picture is simply a miracle. It was so random, I simply wanted to just get a color effect, and what I got was much, much more. What came out was two elites, one in Flight armor, and one in combat, or default armor. The picture is simply of their heads. The one in the left is in combat, and is looking slightly up. The one in the right is in flight, and his eye is the brown circle you see. The Elite Brothers
Should be on bungie favorites. Never seen a picture quite like that. It looks like somebody painted it. It's so abstract. Nothing in the halo game has that kind of texture or look. EDIT: I see how you would see two elites. However, it's not as obvious as many people are saying.
haha im gonna try this, if i could get a picture that epic, my life would be sick. Good luck to me though, i never get anything like this, im probably just doing it wrong or something, anyway nice job.
Omg that's awesome, but my creativity is uncapable of creating two Elite heads in there. EDIT: Oh wait, now I see lol, it actually looks like three heads.