A Tactical 3rd person shooter I'm making

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GR4V3mind117, Nov 9, 2009.

  1. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Name: Morika

    Genre: 3rd person Tactical Shooter

    The year is 2734, the Galactic Navy of Planet Earth (G.V.P.E.) has taken control of the neighboring galaxy of Andromeda. and has set up a defense base orbiting a recently discovered andromedian planet, Raske.

    After an unsuccessful attack from a currently unknown alien race, a large meteor passed a defense station while a small chunk of the meteor landed in the firing mechanism of a nearby Energized Solar Cannon (E.S.C.) jamming it in the process.

    While some more aliens slipped past the E.S.C. unharmed, four Tactical Armored Soldiers (T.A.S.), Sgt. James Morika, Weapon Specialist Michael "Hulk" Kranor, Spec. Ops Melissa Jacobs, and Pvt. Kurt Bane are being sent to the surface of Raske in four Raven class fighters to see what the alien race is doing.

    Good Luck.
    -James Morika-
    Armor Classification: "Shade" 2O12-43610
    I.D. Tag: Alpha-627
    Race: Human
    Faction: G.V.P.E.
    Age: 23
    Height: 6'2"
    Hair Color: Dirty Blond
    Favorite Weapon: N/A
    Rank: Level 8 Sargeant

    -Michael Kranor-
    Armor Classification: "Hulk" 6578-23975
    I.D. Tag: Omega-951
    Race: Human
    Faction: G.V.P.E.
    Age: 26
    Height: 6'9"
    Hair Color: Dark Brown
    Favorite Weapon: Demolition Charge
    Rank: Level 3 Weapon Specialist

    -Melissa Jacobs-
    Armor Classification: "Sarran" 10V3-89515
    I.D. Tag: Gamma-316
    Race: Human
    Faction: G.V.P.E.
    Age: 21
    Height: 5'11"
    Hair Color: Brunette
    Favorite Weapon: Nitrogen Charge
    Rank: Level 6 Special Operations

    -Kurt Bane-
    Armor Classification: "Blade" 4785-39485
    I.D. Tag: Beta-409
    Race: Human
    Faction: G.V.P.E.
    Age: 19
    Height: 6'0"
    Hair Color: Brown
    Favorite Weapon: Sniper Rifle
    Rank: Level 2 Private

    -Krangner Generae-
    Armor Classification: Unknown
    I.D. Tag: N/A
    Race: Raskian
    Faction: Oracle
    Age: 143
    Height: 7'10"
    Hair Color: Unknown
    Favorite Weapon: Energy Spear
    Rank: Raskian General
    Level 1: Boarding Action
    Chapter 1: The Beginning
    -Suit up for battle
    -Complete the training course
    -Get to the bridge for briefing

    Chapter 2: I've Got a Bad Feeling About This
    -Repel the boarders in Hangar A
    -Repel Boarders in the Experimental Lab A
    -Repel boarders in the Bridge

    Chapter 3: 10 Seconds to Lift-Off
    -Protect the first group of soldiers in Escape Pod Bay 1
    -Protect the second group of marines in Escape Pod Bay 2
    -Get to Hangar Bay 2
    Level 2: Landing Zone
    Chapter 1: Welcome to The Jungle...
    -Get as far away from the landing zone as possible
    -Demolish the Oracle Camp
    -Find out where the Oracle ships are headed

    Chapter 2: They found something HUGE...
    -Kill both of the Maadren Warriors
    -Force your way into the Citadel
    -Get into the underground courtyard and open the sunlock
    G.V.P.E. Weapons
    Shredder Rifle
    Sniper Rifle
    Demolition Charges
    SubZero Charges
    Grapple Gun
    Missile Launcher
    Charge Cannon
    Grenade Launcher
    Shock Grenade
    Shockwave Mine
    Land Mine
    Oracle Weapons
    Energy Rifle
    Laser Rifle
    Plasma Charge
    Sonic Bomb
    Tractor Beam Gun
    H.V.E. Launcher
    Gamma Ray
    Energy Bomb
    Energy Wave Generator
    Laser Gun
    Focused Energy Pistol
    Energy Spear

    I'm taking a break, i'll b back l8er
    #1 GR4V3mind117, Nov 9, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2009
  2. Dow

    Dow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh, you are making a game? Show it to me when you are finished in 30 years.
  3. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    All of your Human male characters (besides the guy that is supposed to be giant) are actually very short for no particular reason.

    Just sayin'.

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