
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Xun, Jan 25, 2012.

  1. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I'll try to keep it short and sweet ;). (a)Symmetry is a small, surprisingly enough, symmetrical map with slight asymmetric qualities in that it's mirrored and reversed for each base. It supports most gametypes with the exception of Race, Invasion and Stockpile games.

    There are two separate floors to this map, with the upper, main floor being basically comprised of three concentric squares, with the inner most square being a building with one more upper floor (where some gametypes have objectives, like neutral CTF), and the interior having a drop down to the lower floor. The lower floor is more open, and is rocky/grassy, so it breaks up the sea of grey on the upper floor. There are five ways to get to the lower floor and seven ways to get back up (three with a Jet Pack), the most interesting being a one-way shield lift in each base, which makes CTF games more heated.

    Being that the map is pretty much identical on each side, I have placed as many distinguishable features and colour cues around it to make things as recognisable as possible. Blue and Red base obviously have their respective colours all over them, but each opposite corner between those bases has what I call Orange and Green corner, and are well illuminated with their branded colours, which is also visible on the lower floor.

    Lastly, I'll add the side-note that this map started out as an entry to the $10,000 Budget Contest from last year, but said contest never eventuated and I forgot about this map :\. It's nearly 6 months later that I have decided to post it, and I apologise for my tardiness. Anyway, onto the screenies, vid, and weapon info!

    As the map is mostly similar, I'm only posting pics of one side of the map, your mind can fill in the blanks. Images spoilered for your loading convenience and to reduce screen real estate. ;)

    A view from orange corner, to Blue base.

    Orange corner to Red base.

    Orange corner, where health and the DMRs live.

    Middle tier of the structure, from Orange corner.

    Same spot, rotated 90 degrees.

    The central structure.

    Central structure interior.

    Drop-down to lower floor in central structure.

    Drop-down outside each base.

    Red base, outer path, where the Needler lives.

    Red base interior. Note the shield lift in the corner.

    Outside Red base. Ramp down to lower floor on the right, and secondary door to inner structure on left.

    A more detailed view of secondary door.

    A view from Orange corner on the lower floor.

    The lower floor of Red base, where the Needle Rifle and two Plasmas are located.

    Underside of shield lift on the lower base floor.

    The central part of the lower floor, where you will find the GL.

    And for those who prefer a more less-thinky-more-watchy approach, a video walkthrough of the map. Note, there has been a slight change since this video was made, being that I opened up the lower floor by removing two of the pieces in the center, and changed the Conk to a GL, and moved the DMR on the corner podiums into a more natural area of movement to make it more noticeable. That's all, now sit back, relax, and enjoy.

    Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details (bungievid tags wouldn't co-operate)

    Video note: At around two minutes into the vid, when I shoot and jump at the wall, that was just to signify to Psychoduck that I had fixed a previous camping problem with that spot. ;)

    Weapons List
    Frag Grenade x 6 (15sec)
    Plasma Grenade x 6 (15sec)
    Health Station x 2 (20sec)
    Plasma Rifle x 2 (30sec)
    Spiker x 2 (30 sec) 0 spare clips
    DMR x 2 (30sec) 1 spare clip
    Needle Rifle x 2 (30sec) 1 spare clip
    Needler x 2 (45sec) 1 spare clip
    Grenade Launcher x 1 (75sec) 5 spare rounds

    Feel free to ask any questions you may have, and enjoy the map. It was certainly a labour through it's many iterations, but I had a lot of fun making it too. I hope you can have as much fun playing on it.

    #1 Xun, Jan 25, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2012
  2. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ahh remember testing this a long time ago. It looks about the same but hey, it's your map. All I can say is that the amount of spoilers you have makes it take forever to look through the post. I would just use the one. :)
  3. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Noted, fix'd, thanks muchly. :)
  4. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This map was never amazing, but it's good to see it finished and posted regardless. I definitely had some fun testing this all those months ago. Can we expect to see Ground Floor (I think that's what it was called?) posted soon as well?
  5. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Expect it within one to two weeks. Or, possibly when I could be arsed to post it. Still need to implement the changes required. And yes, it's Ground-Floor. ;)

    Regardless of the amaze-o-factor, it's always good to have some simple maps every now and again, and I had fun toying around with it while in the fix phase. It's always nice to have some more filler in my repertoire, anyway.
    #5 Xun, Jan 25, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2012

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