Lo and behold, tis a preview for my map submission for the $5k Budget Contest. Not much to say, its smallish, good for 6-8 players, and symmetrical whilst not being symmetrical. You'll see when you see then finished product. [sub]Middle area/Red base (right-side of screen)[/sub] [sub]Green/Orange side of middle, respectively (for reference)[/sub] [sub]Drop-down in the structure in middle area[/sub] [sub]Walkway to lower floor ramp. I like how the tiles discretely lead to the ramp here [/gloat][/sub] [sub]Ramp down from "Orange" side, plus my sexy-ass Spartan[/sub] [sub]Doorway detail in lower floor "Orange" side[/sub] [sub]Other angle of door, on "Green" side[/sub] [sub]Lower entrance/exit to Blue base[/sub] [sub]I like the accidental roof detail here[/sub] So, thats it so far. Its basically finished, just waiting on test feedback from TG (which has been cooking for a while now). Depending on whats said about it, things like spawns and weapons may change, but the layout of the map should be solid. Also, not 100% on the name, but it'll probably stay. I know some sections may look a little bland, but considering the constraints of the competition, it was necessary. And I also used pre-fabs for the bases, which I know a lot of people dont like, but the alternative was much more expensive. Additionally, this is the original layout concept I drew up initially. Its basically the same, minus the ramps up in the top-right and bottom-left of the image to the left, and the bases are basically flipped so the ramps are hugging the inner wall. Everything else is pretty much the same, though. But yeh, suggestions are welcomed. Thanks, guys, Ill now leave it to your capable minds to nitpick the **** out of what I have shown.
The map was looking pretty promising until I noticed all the 45 degree inclines. They're laggy and way too steep of a ramp. Judging by the pictures, there's no way you could easily replace them. So, just keep it as a friendly tip for your next creatures.
When we tested this map, there was a lot of stuff we liked, but also some things we didn't. Hopefully Shoe will finally come back from Narnia or wherever he's been and post your feedback.
Yeh, unfortunately I cant change them out, as that would require a massive re-do of the entire map. I know 45 degree inclines aren't the best to use for ramps, but I had to use them to keep the map as tight as it is. If I had used other ramps I would have had to make the map larger, larger = more pieces, more pieces = more budget, more budget = over $5k. The budget is just about strained to its limits at the moment, so I dont think that can be helped. Dont poo-poo the map because of this, though, theres only a few of those inclines. I was anticipating there being things people wouldn't like, but hearing you say "there was a lot of stuff we liked" makes me happy. Hopefully the things you like greatly outweigh the things you didn't, and those that you didn't can be easily fixed. Shoe is greatly building the anticipation for the feedback, though. Hope he gets it in soon, because the contest deadline is the end of this month.