i recently got back into halo forging, created a few quick maps, and got my love for the game back again. then i see that halo reach is nearly 6 months away. it truly takes my breath away and makes me not want to forge, seeing as all my maps and hard work will be lost to people who move onto reach. my simple question is this: if reach has forge, will you still forge in halo 3? if reach does NOT have forge, will you still forge in halo 3?
We're pretty sure Reach will have Forge. It is annoying that all our old stuff won't go over, but that's progress. I say if you have an idea, go for it. If it turns out really well, you could always remake it or find inspiration from it for a sequel. To answer your question: I have every intention of moving on with the newest version of Halo, as long as it has Forge.
Not at all. To me, I feel like holding on to that kind of stuff is like not willing to start a new game of Pokemon because you don't want to loose all your levels...it's just pointless, if you don't move on, progress doesn't get made. Sure, I might feel like it was kind of a waste of time now that we can't use it anymore...but a waste of time well worth it. Personally, I like to make maps more for the challenge of it than anything else, and also being able to play one of my creations with friends. That doesn't change between games. Besides, Reach will probably have some very different gameplay.
i have alot of sentimental value for things. i feel as though reach is going to change the way we play halo, and i dont like it. what im really hoping, is that, reach will be like ODST. an offshoot, spinoff, extra storyline. then people will migrate back to halo 3 until halo 4 comes out.
No. Reach is a full game in of itself, more of a Halo 4 than anything else. It is not a spinoff of Halo 3, it has a new engine, multiplayer system, campaign, gametypes, maps, etc etc etc.
Very well said. If Reach doesn't have Forge (which, as Insane said, we're pretty sure it will) then I can't see myself continuing to Forge in H3 at all. I'm a player first tbh, and I will be going over to Reach when it comes out (unless I really dislike it, and tbh I'm really starting to like how it seems to be coming together as we find out more), playing my maps is an ultimate end of map making for me so I'd definitely go for Forge if Reach has it. Tbh I don't forge in H3 even now, haven't done for a while, I just got disenchanted with all the hurdles it presents for plain map editing and just realising an idea. I hope Reach Forge addresses those deficiencies properly, if so I can see myself pooping out maps for a good while. I'll always love H3 as the first Halo game I ever really took seriously, but Forge in itself holds little sentimental value tbh, certainly not enough to keep me on H3 for it if Reach Forge bails on us.
It's like going into prestige in call of duty. Sometimes you just cannot hang onto all those things you worked so hard for. But what would we do without something new to work towards
I have a lot of maps that I either just finished or am in progress making but if reach does have forge I will just remake them there. I had already planned on remaking all the maps on sandbox and foundry in reach. I just hope we can still ghost merge in reach.
good replys, guys. i have had so much fun with my friends over the last few years on halo 3 and i dont want to see it go, not to mention i have so many maps i still want to build. on top of all that, this is bungies last halo game before 343 studios takes over. thats like blizzard handing over world of warcraft to jaGex, i dont see it ending well for halo.
Basically, if you have any maps being made now, finish them before Halo Reach comes out, and plan maps to be built using Halo Reach's Forge. It makes you look forward to Halo Reach's Forge. I would probably stop using Forge in Halo 3 and move to Reach. P.S. Silvergt, Halo 3: ODST sucked. The only multiplayer was Firefight, and the Campaign was not as long or as big as they said it would be. It took me longer to play Halo 2's Campaign then Halo 3: ODST's Campaign. Also, the ending was not that good. I'm hoping Reach will be nothing like ODST and more a combination of Halo 2 and 3, and alot of new stuff. Also, hate to burst your bubble, but there will be no Halo 4, at least not with Bungie. If you worked on a game universe for more than 10 years too, you would understand that Bungie is getting tired of making Halo games.
Halo 2 had the longest story of all Plasma Elite. And I think Reach will be like ODST in that it is a spin off of the Halo series, there will be no Master Chief. And ODST wasn't that bad, it wasn't meant to have any multiplayer besides firefight, and that only lacked a matchmaking system. Also Silvergt already said that Bungie wouldn't be making Halo 4 and that he didn't think it would be a good thing for 343 industries to be making it, which I am on the fence about. they are named after a character in Halo so they should be devoted enough to test extensively (unlike MW2) but they may try to one up Bungie in their own product and over do it. I would be fine for more cinematic moments like blowing up the ship in H2 or the portal opening to the Ark in H3, but they may just kill it by not letting you play the parts that lead up to those moments and let you feel like you are responsible for what happens. What I am trying to say is they may make Master Chief with a personality, not like the ealier games where he is silent so you can imagine yourself in that situation and get more "into" the game.
The way I look at this, sure, I have a lot of maps I enjoy playing Halo 3, some of my own, some of others, and some default maps. But in Reach, if any of those maps are good enough, they WILL be recreated. Just think of it this way, when Halo 3 first came out, yeah, we knew about Forge, we didn't know the in's and out's of it, sure, but we had a general idea. We knew we could place objects where we wanted to. If the night of the launch, someone said "Man, I cannot wait to go home and recreate Hang 'Em High from Halo: CE." We would have laughed at him. Well, a year down the road, sandbox comes out, and we all know what that's capable of. At the same time, we all know what Sandbox is not capable of, and I'm pretty sure that Bungie will have a pretty little surprise waiting for us to wrap out little trigger-happy fingers around. They know that Forge is the only reason that Halo 3 has stayed this popular this long. They'll do us right. Bungie has a thing for competing with themselves for the better. I can almost guarantee that a lot of the featured maps we see here on Forge Hub today, we'll be seeing on the flipside. (And many, many others of course)
I believe that's what will be planned, with like a section in the Reach Maps forums put away for Halo 3 maps.
The only thing an artist should take away from their creation is experience. A finished product should have no material value to them.
eh, i doubt it. it'll definitely have some new features, but i doubt its going to be like a full map creator or something that drastically different.