I have done sig shops in the past, but in my opinion, they are overwhelming for one person. I'd like to start a sig shop with someone; if you're in, post some of your work here. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/22485-dizfunks-gallery.html My signature gallery.
i don't need a partner, but i suggest that you post some of your work, so people know how good you are.
Dizfunk I would like to open up a sig shop with you. I'm not as great as you but I'll try and learn very quick. Some of my art is in my signature if you want to look.
Sounds ok. I like the fact that you do gifs. Maybe I can do sigs and you can do some sigs and mostly animated stuff for the customers. EDIT: This is not definite! Other people can still have a go and I'll pick the one I like the most.
Hmmmm.....This is a very small percentage of what ive done in the past week. So you can expect me to make them pretty quickly.
dizfunk, your work is very good, you are a very talented person, i know you will find someone to work with you good luck
I'll keep this open for a day or two so people can see it and show me their work if they like. Then I will choose.
Hmm, no offense to the other guys D) but it's going to be either Mallet or xBM... I'll think about it; give me like an hour or two.
Practice with tutorials until you find a style that you like. Then stick with that, get better at it, and repeat the process to learn new techniques.
Yeah that sounds like a good idea. you both are really good. cant wait to see what your sigs look like.
Wow Mallet's sigs are class! I think you would make a good team in making great sigs for the n00bs =] Good luck!