Feedback and thoughts would be much appreshiated (epic fail on spelling, still, eye am grate at speeling! :-D) My Elite roaring silently after the Beam Rifle has overheated: --- I tooks this on a custom match on "Slip'n'slide": --- Here the flag carrier is about to be crushed: --- Here is the beginning of a big(ish) explosion (cane someone please get rid of that stupid smilie ad!? It's constantly saying "Hello" in a stupid way and it's getting on my nerves): --- Rocket to the face!: --- Invicible-100 kills without dying, I took this during the match in which me and my friends got 1,183,013 on a firefight game on Heroic: --- A trick of the eye: --- Fight that flab!: --- The last thing you see...: --- ODST charging: --- An ODST gets lucky when he jumps just miliseconds before he gets stuck by a spike grenade: --- "Stick 'em up!": --- My Zealot in his victory stance: --- Kig-Yar doing his zombie walk: --- --- My Zealot posing for the camera in one of my fav stances: --- Shield explosion: --- Back o' the net!: --- Ladies and Gentlemen! I present you the Human Giraffe!: --- Shipmaster in command: --- As the covenant ground forces jump out of the Phantoms just outside the building this ODST (one of a team of four) prepares to fight to the death. No retreat, no surrender: --- Reminds me of the old rivalry: