I have decided that sandbox is, IMO just a bigger version of foundry. I realize that it has the sky-bubble and so many more objects. But almost all of those objects can be accomplished with brains and interlocking, and the sky-bubble is just an automatic floating device. Don't get me wrong, I definitely appreciate a larger version of foundry but I do not appreciate sandbox in the "A revolutionary forging map" sense. Foundry was a revolution in its own Time because it was designed purely for forging and we didn't have anything like that before. but when it comes to the new forging revolution map, I dont think I should go back to forging on foundry half the time within 2 weeks of the release. overall what I am trying to say is that all sandbox brought onto the table was... a bigger budget, a bigger map, more items and the sky-bubble. That in my opinion is not revolutionary, its just bigger. If anyone has any items available on sandbox that are not available/possible to make on other maps I would love to hear what they are. If it had been my decision on what Items were available I would have dropped... -stone bridge -transport hornet -wedge large -block tiny -wall T -stone platform -multiple other slight variations of pre-existing items... Add... +elephant +aa wraith +sniper tower(campaign) +shade turret +cloaking and invincibility +covanent Items(IE look at snowbound's pallet) +detail items(look at highground/construct) +(This is the most important) Themes, ex. FX forerunner, FX covanent. What this would do is change the item and main ground skin to look like a flood growth or a forerunner structure or even a unsc base. This probably shouldn't have been my first post since I am heavily criticizing a very popular map, but I just wanted to get this opinion out.