A Round Tuwit

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Dilligaf, Mar 6, 2008.

  1. Dilligaf

    Dilligaf Ancient
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    A Round Tuwit
    Created by Dilligaf Dumas
    Supported Gametypes:
    All, but best for symmetrical team games of 2-4 players per team (multiflag/bomb)
    Map Description
    This is my first map posting here, so I hope I'm doing this right.

    A Round Tuwit is, round. A nice circular covered walkway (thanks to LightsOut225 for the walkway idea - it was great, so I did something very similar) gives the map a very open center area with cover behind the columns that support the overhang. Once you make it across the open center, you can enter the enemy base in either of 2 ways - front door or back door. Either door takes you into a very tight, confined base area for some good close quarters fighting. To get out of either base, you can go up and through the front door, or take the teleporter and drop into the center of the map.

    Descriptions are a pain, so there's some pics below.

    Weapon & Equipment list :
    Sword 1
    Rocket Launcher 1 (90second respawn)
    Battle Rifle 6
    Shotgun 2
    Sniper 2 (60 second respawn)
    Brute Shot (1 spare clip)
    Needler 2
    Flame Thrower 1 (90 second respawn)
    Carbine 4
    Spike Grenade 6
    Plasma Grenade 6
    Incindiary Grenade 4
    Active Camo 2
    Regenerator 2
    Power Drain 2

    Other than that- The name is for 2 reasons. 1- It's round. 2-I finally got around to it.
    An overview of the map.
    A second overview from above the sniper shack
    A view from the back entrance into a base
    A look down onto a starting spawn area in a base
    A look at the sniper shack and a room on the bottom I call the fireball room
    Ok, so there it is. I hope I did this thing right (Thanks to Shock Theta for the template, and if I screwed it up it's all my fault lol). Comments and criticism are welcome. It's not the world's best map, and I know some of the walls aren't perfectly straight despite hours of trying. Also, I don't have a group of testers, so if anyone does, I'd love to get some advice as to what worked, and what didn't.
    Download A Round Tuwit
  2. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    The center area looks cool. I like the pillar effect in the center of the map. I'll check it out.

    Senior Member

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    looks good ill check it out, welcome to ForgeHub!
  4. Dilligaf

    Dilligaf Ancient
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    Thanks for the replies. I'm so used to watching a map scroll to page 2 on B.net.

    And LightsOut225 - I hope you don't mind me using your column design from Battlemound. It looked so good, I based the whole center of the map on it lol.
  5. Die Lawn Viva

    Die Lawn Viva Ancient
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    Looks great, but I think the sniper shack looks a little messy, maybe some interlocking could clean it up a bit?
  6. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    pretty cool, i get a collossium feel to it. looks nice
  7. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Really great idea on that map. Hope it plays well too.
  8. Dilligaf

    Dilligaf Ancient
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    You're right. The sniper shack was pretty much the last thing that I put into the map, and by that time I was a little tired of staring at it. There are two holes in the floor (small triangles near the front end) that I intentionally left in to deter people from camping in there, but the roof and the change in elevation from the front to the back kind of irks me.

    Thanks for the feedback! Something I can work on for a version 2.
  9. The Dew

    The Dew Ancient
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    Cool idea but I don't think gameplay would be all that great because it's so open.
  10. Sanghelios

    Sanghelios Ancient
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    Looks cool but not that fun. It's basically an empty circle.
  11. Dilligaf

    Dilligaf Ancient
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    It is very open in the center, which was intentional. I think it gives it certain similarities to Foundation from H2. Open in the middle which allows you to shoot across the map at the opposing team. The thing I didn't like about Foundation were the 4 rooms on the outside which everyone would end up hiding in during an oddball game because there was only 1 entrance. To try and alleviate that problem I made sure there are 2 entrances to the bases on either side. The bases of course are very cramped to try and promote close quarters fighting.

    I figured between the open center, and the tight bases, I could try to appeal to both types of people - those who like fights out in the open, and those who like close quarters combat. Like on Valhalla - really open on the center hill, and by the bubble shield spawn, and really tight in the caves and in the bases. Kind of depends on what gamestyle you prefer. Either way, thanks for the feedback! :)

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this map looks really good, nice job on ur first one. i love it when i have these kind of ideas but my xbox is broken so i can never get them into forge, it was gonna b similar~~~~~~but mostly different. nice job

    oTACTITIONo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I really like the layout, I agree with whoever said that it looks like a coliseum.

    I personally think it would be better if you added some cover in the middle so it isn't so open. Great map though, I like how you sited your sources and the people who helped you out.
  14. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
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    Nice arena-type map. I agree that the base walls look a little blam! but all-in-all it looks like fun.

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