A Quick Question about the Map Pack. . .

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Insane_Crysis, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. Ok, so as I was wondering, is the Noble Map Pack worth the money to buy? I have been debating about this all afternoon. Sorry, I have used the search bar and could not find anything, and I searched it on Google, but could not find a good match. Is Tempest a canvas allowing you to be able to Forge like on Forge World, but with a smaller amount of budget? And are the other maps really nice aswell? Thanks.
  2. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I personally like it, Anchor 9 is about the size and shape of the pit from halo 3, tempest is good for objective games in opinion, and break point is ok as long as you don't have to play it too many times in a row. Tempest has all the objects to my knowledge from forgeworld, it may have less placeable but they are the same, but amlost none of the structural geometry of the map is deletable. So the only way to make a map on it is to either include original geometry or float the map above the original, either way, they didnt give you too much room to make your own stuff on the map.

    Even with all this, I personally like the pack, and even though I was most excited for Anchor 9, I like Tempest the best.

    also, there is a thread where people are discussing this kinda... Noble Map Pack realeased
    #2 Aschur, Nov 30, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2010
  3. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I recommend purchasing the map pack; I myself enjoyed it and the maps are definetly a step up from the ones that came shipped with the game.

    As for Tempest, the forge pallet is decent. It's not meant to be a forging map at heart, I personally consider it more of an avalanche type map forge wise. Not the best forge map but still has tons of possibilities. There's also a pretty sweet laser floating above the map that if you go through with vehicles will EMP. It can also kill you if you stand in it too long while it's charging up and it'll destroy vehicles and explosives.

    I haven't played Breakpoint Invasion yet though I really want to. I've played BTS and one flag both of which I really enjoyed, even though there's a laser, rockets and 3 snipers on the map, banshees can still dominate if you work with your team.
  4. Thanks for these answers. I've also been looking forward to Forge on Tempest for a while now. So thank you guys for clearing this up for me.
  5. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    You would find Tempest alone worth the money in my opinion.

    The map is just artistically possibly the best Bungie has ever done. The looks are just incredible I think, and they have an excellent new natural rock in the forge pallet. Its I guess about 1/5 or 1/4 the size of the sea stack, maybe just 1/6th, I don't know, but it looks great, and blends in together with the terrain and other forge rocks much better than the forge world rocks blend in. However, sea stacks are gone which is very disapointing. I'm not sure why they did that...

    If you want to make a cave map in forge sooner or later you will certainly want Tempest because there are a lot of caves built into the map, so making a good cave map would be easy on Tempest. I'm probably going to do one soon myself actually.

    Tempest also has a $7500 budget, which I think is actually more than Forge World's $10,000 because Tempest has terrain that will help out a lot when you make a map on it. So I think the objects on Tempest will go a lot further than the objects on Forge World if you get what I mean.

    Anchor 9 is alright. Its not exactly my favorite kind of map, but a lot of people will probably like it a lot, and the outer space part is pretty cool. Its designed much better than Zealot's outer space section. Anchor 9's doesn't promote camping from what I have seen so far.

    As far as forging Anchor 9 goes, there are no structure objects.

    However, under scenery you get 50 of one wall object that is like a human themed double wall. So I think its barely enough to forge something very small, or make significant changes to Anchor 9's existing terrain. There's also a little more room outside in space than what Zealot has, so if you were VERY clever using your objects it *might* be possible to make a tiny map out there. I'm going to attempt something like that myself sometime because a low gravity map would be kind of cool and different.

    Breakpoint I absolutely love just like Tempest. I think Bungie may have been trying to capture a Sidewinder and Avalanche feel with Breakpoint, but also create a very new kind of map. I was a huge fan of Sidewinder and am still disgusted by Bungie butchering Sidewinder with its "remake" Avalanche, so I love Breakpoint. I did actually like Avalanche, but as a remake of Sidewinder it was as bad as it could have been. It just absolutely was not Sidewinder. It didn't even have the same ways of getting around the map lol. Breakpoint plays big team battle games great. I haven't played invasion on it yet. I was shocked to see an invasion map play big team so well though, but thats great that Breakpoint can work as both a big team map and as an invasion map because Spire and Boneyard just suck royally for big team to me.

    Breakpoint also has I believe a $7500 forge budget, but has a very limited pallete containing no structure objects. It does have one kind of wall object, and 3 rocks though. I think you get 50 of each of the 3 rocks, not grouped together. And I'm thinking you have 50 wall objects. And they give you one huge random bridge that I have no idea what they thought it would be useful for... there's just no where to put it that I can think of, and no way to build a structure around it I can think of either lol.

    I believe tin cups are on all the maps too. I know they're on Anchor 9 and Tempest at least.

    Honestly I don't think I have liked a map pack from Bungie as much as this map pack since they did the one with Sandbox. The other couple of Halo 3 map packs I got disapointed me a lot, but the one with Sandbox was pretty cool. But this map pack was much better than I expected, with the exception of only maybe a few new forge objects, although thats ok because you get great maps to work with.

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