this was very very very very well put together and i give these guys alot of credit please watch the video before you go off flaming about how it sucks and other stuff. its soo amazing
haha thats pretty cool i dont think ive ever seen that before either. dont know if its the hardest thing to do but thats definetly creative.
wow yea id love this map... id never have thought of doing tht for a map! if i could get it tho, nd the name of the creator (for crediting purposes) i have a great map idea
Wow that's really cool, especially the end. I guess I forgot that Plasma Grenades won't explode until they touch ground.
IMO, its cool, but not as amazing as you guys some of you guys are making it sound. You should check out some Rube Goldberg machines. Especially those made in Gmod or Halo and whatnot.
Look at the video comment that author makes at the side, the map will be available soon, I favourited this btw it pwns