Not everyone needs to join the competition. That being said, I don't have any intentions of entering, but i don't think it's the worst idea of all time.
the only way this will work if its an aesthetic contest. If a map is any good it will take more than a day, much more. I normally spend about 3 weeks on a map, 2 building and 1 testing. Even with forge 2.0 there is no way I could squeeze this into less than 12 hours! Im sure most other serious forgers are the same. And besides that, I think the general concensus is that people will play campaign and MM first. It makes sense to fully find out how all the weapons, vehicles and powers up perfom in combat before trying to make a map to suit them all.
I have 2 map designs that I know I can create in less than 12 hours. I'm guessing with Forge World I can make them in about 4-6 hours for one, and 8-12 for the other. Also neither will need testing for reasons I don't want to say because I love my 2 ideas too much to give them away until they're done lmao. They will need a little testing, to refine them, but they will function and play ok right away for sure, without question. And I want to forge really bad too in Forge World. I might play the campaign first, but if there's a contest here I will forge a map first, and then do the campaign. I played the beta so I can wait a day or two for that. So for me, I would probably play the campaign before forging, but I will forge before playing matchmaking no matter what pretty much. If there's a contest here I won't even play the campaign first because I will want to enter a map into the contest.
how about intead of a 1st day submission do a week long then it wont be flooded full of crapply made maps and it could actually have a chance at building and testing before release
Why is everyone getting all pissed about testing? It's just supposed to be a fun competition, it's not like you're expected to put out an amazing map. The whole idea is to just how can build the best map in a short amount of time. People are commenting like it's not fair, but it's really one of the most fair contests you can have. Everyone's on a level playing field pretty much. It's a whole new engine, a whole new Forge. No one really know anything about what they're doing, but it's just for fun. It's not like there's going to be prizes or money. With all the new features in forge someone could make a 4 person map in an hour or two, set up spawns and weapons in an hour or less. It would take someone 3 hours to put together a map and submit it. Hell, you'd have enough time to test it and tweak it a bit if you had friends online. I would definitely enter this contest if I got Reach the day it came out, but I'm not sure I will. I'll probably get it around Christmas, and that's the only flaw in this contest. Not everyone's going to get the game on the first day, but it doesn't really matter because it's just a fun competition to see who make something playable.
No, I'm going to be enjoying Campaign on the first day, and if I have to rush a map out in one day, it's going to suck. I'm all for having a competition that is due at the end of the September or sometime in October, though! Give us time, and the competition's results will be better and won't be as flooded with crap.
You can call me crazy if you'd like, but I'm planning on playing on forge all day long on the first day. I'm not even going to touch the other modes. I'll probably have the party set to "Invite Only". Krazy Kumquat - Well done! If I were you, Eftz3, I would host the 24-first day contest and find a fellow forgehubster to host a week-long alternative.
Lol this is cracking me up how some people that don't want to take part in a contest on the launch day of Reach, or that don't want to take part in a contest limiting them to one day of forging only, or both, also want to STOP those of us that DO want to be in a contest like that from having our contest we want lol. You guys aren't being forced into the contest, there is also nothing to gain from it except some fun competition, (and if you don't find the grueling deadline fun, you don't have to take part in the competition), so why are you guys trying to tell us that we cannot have a contest we want to have with each other just because you don't want to be a part of it? I don't care if you guys go set up a 1 month Reach forging contest, or even a 1 year Reach forging contest lol. I don't care if the art forge people want to have a statue contest. I personally wouldn't find it fun because I want to be able to play my maps not just look at them, but if they find it fun then they should have a fun contest with each other! Its just a contest we're talking about for our own personal fun, nothing else, and we're not trying to force you guys into it, so please stop telling us we cannot have our own 1 day contest for this reason and that reason with all due respect to you guys. I wouldn't tell you guys you can't make your own contests for whatever reasons....