Now, i know the reply here will likely be an immediate 'omg advertising inb4lock', but before you post that, i would like you to consider how much of a favor i am doing all of you by posting this very valuable resource. By letting you all know about this, i am increasing my own competition and so i only do this out of kindness; i profit in no way. Now, to the point. Today i inadvertently stumbled upon a website called at which website and company owners open contests for graphics artists to compete in creating logos and banners and such. Each participating graphics artist submits a concept piece and if they are selected as the winner, they are given the prize money for the contest in exchange for the banner/logo etc and its copyrights. The website is free to join and contests are free to enter. I have seen prizes ranging from 295$ to 795$. Also, please note that most of the graphics artists there are professionals and have had significant experience. Regardless, i offer this opportunity to all of you Gfx artists to make your hobby into something more. Thank you for your time.
2 things. Well, wether you like it or not; that is advertising. You may not be profiting but it's still advertising. Secondly, none of us here are that series about graphics design (I think, anyway).
"serious" and there are more than you might think. I'm fairly serious about it (going to school for Game Art which isn't exactly the same...) though I don't post in this forum much.
*sigh* you're taking this all wrong. I'm sure the mods have seen this thread and its up to them to do something about it if its a real problem. Otherwise, all of the posts you have made have just been spamming up the thread. I know there are a number of serious graphics designers on this site and i just wanted to give them this great opportunity. So sue me.
Thanks, this shouldn't be viewed as advertisement, I wouldn't worry. This is actually something that most of you gfx guys should try once and see how you you turn out for it.
Omg! I just got one of my pieces rated 2 stars on a professional site DDDDDD thats really good for some 16 year old kid DDDDD
Awesome link. It's a genius idea for a web service, too. Thank you, sir. Just created an account, but not sure if I'll end up posting anything. At least now I know what I'll be doing if I don't get a real job in the next couple months. Lol.
Whats perfect about this one in particular is that anyone can sign up and its totally anonymous. If it wasnt, then as a 16 year old, i'd have no chance. All the companies and legit too. SUCH a good site
There's also .. Same concept and all. Been there, done that. And this all may look promising, but here's the hard truth. All the designers on these sites are pro's. And statistically speaking, even they only have a 1/100 chance of winning themselves. I mean go for it, it's good practice, but don't do it for the money. ;p