Hi i have just made a beast of a man in infection which i have nearly finished, but i have one little problem.... Ok i have the base for the humans and then theres a little outpost and what i would like is the humans to spawn in the base and then 1 human to spawn in the outpost.. and zombies on the plain... So i have put a load of staring points for the humans in the base and then 1 in the outpost, but im not sure how many humans will spawn in the base and the outpost. So lets say if i had say 10 people in the custom game, 7 would spawn in the base 1 in the outpost and 2 as zombies in the field, but if i have 12 in the game then i would like 9 in the base 1 outpost and 2 zombies... ect So i always want 1 outpost dude and rest either zombie in the field or humans in the base.... I know i can make it if i had say 10, but i know not every party will have 10 they might have 16 then it wont work! Anyone know how i can make it work?
Place your very first spawn point (defenders I believe, or whatever it may be for infections, other than neutral) in the outpost. That way the first person to spawn will always be there, and the rest will spawn in the base. That solves your outpost. I'm kinda confused, as you saying with 16 people you wouldn't want to have 14 humans and 2 zombies? Or are you saying that you don't have enough spawn points, because more than one person will spawn from the same spawn point if there aren't enough, or respawns set to be human defenders will work as well. If its that you want more zombies if there are more players, chose the spawn orders of spawn with zones. Lemme screw around and see what i find. Tell me if this is what u were looking for.
I figured out what he meant when I went back to find him a solution. What he means is..the starting points in zombies list defence, attackers, 3-8 in teams. He is say, what if he has more players in the game than are starting points dedicated to their position (team). In a regular FFA theyd spawn off respawn points, but there should be any human respawns, only zombie. I'm not quite sure..I usually only make slayer maps. I guess thats the interpetation for anyone who can answer this better.
Ok what i have atmo is 2 staring spawn points for the zombies(attackers) then a load of normal spawn points (attackers for after they die) then i have a load of human spawn points (defenders) in the base and one in the outpost(defenders). No normal spawn points for defenders because they will turn into zombies and will never spawn as a defender again. and chrstphrbrnn your idea wont work because right now the spawn point in the base is on defender and in the outpost on defender, so half spawn in the outpost and half spawn in the base but i want 1 in outpost and the rest in the base. So what i did is put 8 start spawn points in the base and 1 in the outpost but this means that if i have a team of more than 9 humans lets say i have 12 humans (14 in the party (2 are zombies) then more than one human will spawn in the outpost, or if i have a team of less than 9 humans then sometimes 1 may spawn in the outpost and sometimes 0 will. See what i mean? I want to know how i can have just the 1 human to spawn in the outpost and the rest of them in the base.
actually defenders frequently spawn back as defenders if they are killed via explosive means or by another teammate,this one of the cool features imo in bungies zombie ergo you ca save your team mate by betraying him.
Ok ill put a couple of normal defender spawn points in then thanks for that. Got any ideas about my main problem?
Try setting the outpost to Defenders and the rest of the non-zombie spawns to team 3. I'm not sure if this will work but it seems like it might. Set the Zombie spawns to Attackers. The reason I'm thinking this would work is because, to the best of my knowledge, Zombies are always attackers. When the game starts, I'm speculating that it will search for available spawns for Defenders... of which there should only be one in the outpost... and then propogate the rest into Team 3. It seems like, if true, this would always spawn one player in the outpost, regardless of number of players. Again, this is only speculation. I cannot say for sure if it will work. One question that I can't quite remember. In infection, aren't zombies the only "team" per se while the rest are actually individuals? If I remember right, everyone starts with their customized coloration rather than a forced color seen in team based games. If that's true, then I'm pretty sure the game will force spawn assignments in a specific order. In other words, attackers are always assigned first, followed by defenders, then team 3, team 4, team 5, etc.
Its about overall teams though..is your zombies like bungie style? Where it's FFA but the humans are on the same team, yet aren't you know what I mean? You keep your set color and are technically your "own" team. Or do you have it Red vs Blue? If everyone is an individual team, you should be able to set a spawn point in your outpost and say "spawn 3rd team here" which means the 3rd guy and only the 3rd guy will spawn in the outpost. Maybe one the mods could help better...