Heres a few screenshots I took awhile back but havent come around to post em yet Please Rate! Elite AR (Assault Rifle) Terminator Fight on! A Before fight action sequence Skip Away...... and ignore it! Thx!
haha be patient for replies man...i like terminator the best, the red looks really awesome 4/5, the other ones are pretty good, but the skipping one...i dont really see a point to that haha
Dude, stop spamming your own thread with these things. Be patient. Also, not all threads have several replies to them. 1st pic - 1.5/10 - Just added a filter and then close-up? 2nd pic - 3/10 - Too blurry 3rd pic - 4.5/10 - It's okay, but I've seen better. 4th pic - 0.5/10 - Seriously, that is just normal Sorry, that's just my opinion. Please do not react violently.