Some of my best, there not great, but a few can give you quiet luls. Below the map on snow bound Below the map on Foundry Duel swords Dangerous riding Backwords helmet WAIT, what? My image shack isn't working! OMG I can't post the rest of my pics, next time image shack is up I will.
my favs are the one with dual swords and the one where your riding on the mongoose. but i have to say most of these look pretty random no offense
Um not the most creative and best pics ive seen but i like the duel swords one but its been done countless times though.
Are you sure you haven't posted these yet? Cause I think I've seen 'em somewhere.... LoL'd at the new perm
The duel swords and the backwards helmet are my favourite two out of these . The duel swords looks brilliant and very believable and the backward helmet one is messed up but very funny Good job.
In case some one dind'nt understand the first two, they are me below the map. The first was a pure accident, the one on foundry resulted from me placing a box on myself and forcing myself underground.