Last week I had an English project to make an illustration from the book I had to read call "A farewell to Arms" the scene I drew depicts the last moment in the book, where Henry is walking outside in the rain after Cathrine dies. (Anyone who has read the book will noticed that I effed up and drew him in his army uniform instead of his civilian clothes since the scene I drew is after he went AWOL.) Made with a pentablet, rough draft in adobe Flash, then Fine lined in adobe flash, colored in photoshop, and background made in photoshop as well.
[11:10:17 PM] Whisper: Rocks look a little too squiggly [11:10:39 PM] Penguinish [Brandon]: rocks where last minute [11:10:42 PM] Penguinish [Brandon]: i was like [11:10:42 PM] Penguinish [Brandon]: needs some rocks [11:10:45 PM] Whisper: lol [11:10:53 PM] Penguinish [Brandon]: so i just did them real fast [11:11:02 PM] Whisper: Shoulda like googled 'rock wall' and then cutout filtered 'em Anyways, real men don't cry.
When did I...? I like it, I need to get to work with my tablet... But I fails with it Only thing I don't like is the water on the dude itself looks weird to me.