This looks crazy and has a great idea! I can't believe I'm saying this about a Sandtrap map but it looks good! Great Job I'll Dl it looks like fun.
This is a great idea, i would have hours of fun trying to stay alive in the sky, i love all the floating crates and such, great job this is quite unquie.
Excellent idea. I don't think I've seen this, but it's really creative. This reminded me of Warhawk for the PS3, which I play often, so it looks great. You should try one on Avalanche and Standoff, it's easier to Forge floating items. 5/5 =D
Very original. Sweet idea, though perhaps should have included no hornets but only banshees. Still, your the one who will have tested it or what have you.
you know comin back, i have to say their might be abit of a spawn killing problem. if someone took 40 seconds away from the hill to destroy one side of the map. i understand that they might be set to 10 sec res. but it could dominate for as long as anyone felt like messing with people instead of winning. i still think youre map is good, but maybe spread the spawn points and the vehicles around
omg it looks soooo cool im gonna download it right now 5/5. good idea ive always wanted a good dogfight map.
No one will ever perfect the dog fight map since if there's enough vehicles for everyone, there's not enough players. and a lot of players wont immediately go for the idea, i've noticed. also not enough sky room. its only like 10 feet above the highest point on the map on every map. i mean good work but for those reasons it can't go too well. also hornet beats banshee 5 out of every 6 times so its unbalanced even though both teams get hornets.
Good idea! Is it just king of the hill but the hill is in the air and you need flying vehicles to get up there .. ?