I haven't done anything besides work in a long time, I'm trying to get back to where I was before I stopped doing signatures and the like. Anyway, the Gears of War sig is pretty old. I started it a long time ago and never finished it, but just played with it a little this morning. The Predator sig was done in around an hour this morning also, and I'm not sure it's finished but I just wanted something else to post. What do you guys think? By the way, I'm well aware the following sig is incredibly sharp, but I think it works like it is. V2&V3 Spoiler Cheers.
The predator sig looks really good, i love the brown scheme, and the geers one seems to cluttered, and theres not much of a focal, the c4d distracts me
Hmm yeah I get what you're saying. I originally started it some time a few months ago, and only just got back to it and added some stuff that's from a completely different style to how it started out.
The gears one could be REALLY nice, but it needs some blurring around the outside so that the eyes don't stray from the focal.
GOW focal seems a bit too bright, I don't really "notice" it. I know you havn't made them in a while but I think you're still doing a great job. Predator sig is really good and the smudging is amazing.
i say you take both the gears and the preadator and darken them to make them stand out a bit more cuz the focals a lil confusing at the start
Im sure all the yellow at the bottom is a c4d. It really ruins the color sceme and is really distracting to me. Also, did you use a gradient map on this sig? It seems like it really needs on.
The Gears sig? Oh I used PLENTY. I have something like 5-10 different Gradient map layers. And have you looked at the V3 in the spoiler? Tell me if the yellow is still distracting in that version, which happens to be my favourite.
The GOW is pretty nice, but his face doesn't really have an expression. Was this from filtering, or was the stock this way?
Marcus' face? I'm pretty sure that was probably overdoing the photo filters, gradient maps etc, resulting in a loss of detail. Then again, a lot of the GoW renders are very washed and bland because that's exactly what the game looks like.