A couple of my old HAL0 3 forge maps.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Marinealver, Mar 5, 2011.

  1. Marinealver

    Marinealver Forerunner

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    Okay here is a map on Foundry I did a long time ago. It is supposed to be sort of a playible sculpture map of a nuclear powerplant.

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    It is a powerplant built around a fusion core/propane tank pile (with the min max tuned down to hold lag at bay.) There is a grav lift cooling tower that will take you to the roof of the plant. There is also a small close quaters battlefield on the other side of the map. I wanted to make an interactive map like the ones that used to be in HAL0 2 such as relic and containment. Also found a neat glitch like terminal the reactor has a hazzard that sometimes whn dieing the guardians will kill you. Tried to make it for all gametypes from CTF to asault, both single bomb nutral bomb multibomb, aslo single and multiple CTF, as well as juggernaught and slayer KOTH. Weapon placement is a little bizzar as I tried to fit one of each weapon and equipment, and 4 of each grenade with the exception of assault rifle and frag grenades as they start in default.

    You can download it here

    The other map is a 4 base avalanch map. I was disapointed when they took out multi-team CTF. But still got a good slayer game. Sort of made 2 airbases at the edge of the clif with a energy barrier landing pad and the land bases has the tanks. Tried to make one UNSC Airbase, 1 Covenant Airbase, one UNSC Land base, and one covenant landbase. Weapon and vehicle ballence is a little off since the covenant don't seem to be as powerful as their unsc counterparts but still a fun team slayer map. Plus it is fun taking off with the hornet and seing it hover from behind the base before unloading it ammo on the oponants.

    You can downlaod it here

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