A Complex

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Flaynk, Jul 1, 2011.

  1. Flaynk

    Flaynk Forerunner

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    A Complex. This is made for slayer, and it is a small-sized map for 2-8 players. It focuses around the central point of the map which is a glass box. I thought I had uploaded enough photos of the map, but they did not show up in my fileshare, so for now I only have one image.

    Give it a try if you like a fun slayer map for some good ol slayer action. This map is a lot of fun, and I know any dedicated slayer fan will love it.


    Edited by merge:

    This image doesn't include all the weapons that are now available on this map.
    #1 Flaynk, Jul 1, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2011
  2. A Killing Pie

    A Killing Pie Forerunner

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    Looks like a great map, maybe just work on the aesthetics a bit, the picture shows where the ramps intersect and all, and I would go back into forge or something and take more pics.
  3. Flaynk

    Flaynk Forerunner

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    Thanks man, yeah, now that I step back and look, I see that it is lacking aesthetics (that word is used SO much on this site haha but what other word could be used?).

    I appreciate the comment.
  4. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Personally, I think the aesthetics are fine as is. If you throw too many objects in a map, it will cause heavy screen lag, which really detracts from gameplay. What I would be more concerned about, is the lack of railings around the edge of the map. During the heat of a battle, players won't want to worry about falling to their death.

    I would also suggest possibly opening some of those walkways a bit so players aren't forced into such a tight narrow playing space for so long. Walkways are fine when used as a transition from one space to the next (examples being lockout, or sword base), but when an entire map is focused on them, it can detract from gameplay.

    It looks like you have a great start, but I would just give players a little more freedom of movement, and make sure players simply won't fall of any edges and die during battle.

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