Has anyone seen Disney's A Christmas Carol yet? is it any good? i heard small kids shouldn't watch it due to frightening scenes, Is this true? Post your comments here P.S. please try to refrain from spoilers, as i have not yet seen it for myself
I haven't seen it but my friend saw it in IMAX and said it was really good. I wanted to see it too to get in the holiday spirit, and I did see some reviews that said there were a few scary scenes for younger children. Howvever, I heard Jim Carrey is phenomenal in it and the storyline is great. I'll hopefully eventually see it. Here is a review from IGN that I read along with some member comments who had seen the movie under it: IGN: A Christmas Carol Review
Its been very under-advertised. In that respect it is a lot like the Polar Express, both are excellent movies aimed at younger audiences and with a major star in them(Tom Hanks in PE Jim Carrey in CC) but Polar Express didn't do very well in the box office partly due to under-advertising.
They don't really care about making the money off of the movie while it's in theaters, but they will release the DVD before the holidays and make a lot from that.
Yes... Yes i did. And you forgot the question mark, seriously, nobody here uses those! And Dow, i'm not asking for spoilers because i never read the book or saw the TV special