Welcome to A Better Place! If you're wondering about the name, it's because they say that when people die, they go to "a better place." This is a zombie game, though, so nobody is going to a better place. Anyway, the map is really tall and has five main areas- Main Tower Torch Crane Mountain Building Mountain Platform These areas can be accessed from the ground near the base of each one, and many of them connect Connections Main Tower <-> Torch Crane -> Main Tower Mountain Building -> Torch Main Tower -> Mountain Platform Mountain Platform -> Mountain Building I got the idea for this map from a map called Survivor City and a gametype called Flying Zombies. They were loads of fun, so I basically made a new map and modified the gametype. The modified gametype Zombies have low gravity and infinite jetpack. They get two points for every human they infect. If they cut a vehicle, the entire vehicle explodes. Humans get no points for killing zombies, but they get one point for being the last man standing and five points if they survive the 4 minute round. there are 3 rounds per game Pictures! Overview of the map. Crane is in the foreground, Main tower to the left, and torch has the big kill ball in it. Side view Mountain Platform is on the left, and Mountain Building is the small one on the right Top of the Main Tower. Jump through the hole and into the shield door to get launched to the Mountain Platform. Close - up of the Torch That is all. Enjoy!
Great map; However, in a game with my friends we found the map was great but the Zombies were overpowered