^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ What reynbow said.... Its like you stated half you "theory" and expected us to fill in the blanks and translate to english
There's a countdown on Bungie.net, but it's definantly not the silence before the storm, people are already blindly guessing on what Bungies plans are, but I do believe their making a new game ^^
I hope its at least halo related. I could care less about the chief. I would like to see a version of halo where you play on the covenenant side.
I have a copy of the Alex Garland Halo Movie script. I dug it up a looooong time ago. It's actually pretty good. It's a little different from the Halo 1 game though.
I reckon it will be a change. Its definatly going to be much different then FPS halo. But yet again we wont be the master chief, we are just ODST. The story line could be about trying to rescue the Master Chief.