Is anyone else getting those ****** 900 MP messages? First it was the send this to all your friends for 1800 MP now people just keep sendin the word 900 MP. Last 20 messages were this, anyone else?
yea theres a small groupof people that believe those things and send em to everyone else or their just being annoying
nah, nah. theyre called cunts (scuse ma french). havent had one of those messages. not got a full friends list though.....
ya i got one and i got it from a friend who is the most gullible person you will ever meet, me and my friends told him that mcflurries were made out of feathers and he belived us
My friend who just got his xbox sent one to me, but he didn't know it was a gay chainmail... [Semi-Offtopic]Do you guys have the picture on Avalanche for if someone sends you a picture for R3c0n?[/semi-offtopic]
I remember the first time I got that message. Didn't beleive it, so I just blocked communications with the guy and never got a message like that since.
I didn't know what it meant, so I messaged the guy that sent me it and siad "tanks for 900 points!" He messaged back saying "oh, I though I got 900 points for doing that!" He nows think that if he sends that messages, he goves 900 of his points to a friend. Gullible idiot.
I don't have a full friends list but i have a lot of gullible people who believe every rumor that comes around! Pain in the ass i think >:C
Right; whoever gets one of these messages from now on, send them some sort of virus link back, e.g.
people that start these messages are retards, its just as bad as people reccomending recon map to you
Just tel all your friends who send it to you that chain messages are never true and never send out any is the best you can do.