9 is a short film that will be turned into a feature length by director Tim Burton. YouTube - 9 (2005) A Film by Shane Acker HQ Watch in HQ. Shane Acker did the original.
Wrong section, but I requested a move. But as for this, I've known about it for several months now and am eager for it. I somewhat fear that the addition of dialogue will detract from the overall mood, however. But the art style of this world is something I don't want to miss out on.
Thats what i was thinking. I thought it made it a lot more mysterious, and left a lot to the imagination, but now, thats all gone. Even if the addition of dialog ruins it, which i doubt, i will still go to see it because i love the art style. Also, those things look like sackboys.
Saw the Tim Burton trailer when it came out at the end of last year, it definitely looks interesting. Good to see a Coheed song being used in something too.
I'm super excited for this, the trailer is super epic and the song with it makes it even more epic. Even though dialogue may disrupt the motion of the original, i'm sure they are going to try their best to make the actors do their best voice acting to make it fit.
This looks amazing, I can't wait to see a full length movie based around it. I'm not too excited about dialogue though, it takes away from the eerie theme to the short. Voices would make it seem cheesy, especially with the type of characters in the movie. Maybe mechanical sound effects for the "voices". It wouldn't take away the seemingly handmade and mechanical quality of the characters while still reserving their dark humanity. The movie especially interests me, because the characters and the setting are such complete opposites that it makes for a completely new experience. It seems like Toy Story, but with a dark and more serious plot.
i ****ing loved the original, and then watched the trailer. I'm surprised I doubted Tim Burton, but when I saw the trailer, I was in shock at how much it looks like he added...it's something i can't wait to see now...
The addition of dialog is necessary, it would be impossible to make a 90 minute film with a clear cut story without it.