All right. Thanks to pjfan's suggestion and ideas, I have (hopefully) gotten it so it should work with a 4v4 team match. Also, since when has rumble pit been 8 people? I always thought it was the same limit as lonewolves (6) eh, oh well, thanks to the updates it shouldn't be a problem.
After seeing those updated pictures I'm even more impressed than I was before they were uploaded. I do wish some areas could be wider, (particularly the obelisk areas) but, I do understand that you hit the object limit which is a shame. Nevertheless I'm still looking forward to the release and I hope it plays well.
Yeah, I tried to find a way around the item limit that was allowed for atlas... There isn't, really sucks. And yeah I did want to make the area between the obelisks on the bases double-wide but couldn't.
After looking at the completed version, would there be any way of adding gaurdrails to the outer rim catwalks? Just a pet hate of mine.
Agreed. I have been seing a lot of sky bubble maps lately that lack guard rails. This can really hurt gameplay if people are constantly falling off of the map, especially for people who are on bumper jumper.
The object limit is completely hit, and the only way to make rails/guards would be to delete things from the map and try to compensate. I know I was with him when making finishing touches. Theres a possability of course, and that is to delete Stone Platforms and swap them for a Double Block, it would take away from the Halo 2 theme, but it could work. Plus you'd only have two extra rails.. Believe me, the rails aren't a big deal on the catwalks, because you be headed straight for middle. Or hide behind the cover on the Catwalks. I <3 This map
Thanks for answering in my absence... I was camping in montana with my parents, with no cell phone... Nonetheless you captured exactly what I would have said, thanks again. Everyone else, pay attention, I have run into the object limit there is nothing I can do left. Period. Unless weapons are unbalanced nothing else will change.
Yeah, remember the mancannon idea I had? I'm playing around with deleting the two fusion coils closest to hammer and messing around with the mancannon trajectory... It may make it to the final version, I'm still not sure how I feel about it right now.
hmm, I think that'd be nice for spawning people, but fusion coils would be best for Doubles... Thats a pickle
Yeah, itd allow them to get back in the fray faster, but the main problem I'm having is making it so it doesn't fling you to the bigass hole between the catwalks and main when you go through sideways which I think a lot of people will do during a firefight. Btw, I don't know if you remember from the idea but I'm interlocking the mc with the obelisk behind sniper... Just clearing that up. Edit: I scratched the mancannon idea completely... Why, you ask? Well... The ghost could use it... I think that explains it completely.