7th COLUMN Forged by Cydronix, Blakbastud9, and English994 NOTE: This is a remake of my map, Photosythesis, not a crude remake of Matty's map, Reflex. This map features the same feal as my map Photosythesis with a Geo-merged Base, teleporter + Grav Lift. This map is sort-of symetrical but mainly Asymetric, designed for 1 flag or 6-person Free-for-all. Time to Complete: 2 hours 13 minutes Budget spent: $700 Symetricality: None WEAPONS: BR x4 Plasma Grenade x4 Flamthrower x1 Ghost x1 Active Camo x1 Carbine x2 Machine gun Turret x1 Frag Grenades x5 Rocket Launcher x1 Sniper Rifle x1 Plasma Pistol x1 Tripmine x1 Overview Defender's Base Arch Attacker's Base 2nd Arch, near Attacker's Base DOWNLOAD 7th COLUMN
the layout is pretty nice. even though theres no columns. glad its asymetric. looks escapeable if u go to the arch (3rd pic) and you fusion jump out. might wanna fix that... the attackers base is really cool. over all it looks pretty nice. its very clean. 4/5. i gave u -1 because u can get out.
I would have to agree with Solo on the fact that the fusion coils make it very easy to escape the map, which is bad, but you also put teleporters there so that anyone that breaks the map can get right back in? That doesn't make sense to me. It hinders gameplay, seeing how one could get on top of the boxes and use the height advantage to rack up some easy kills, then when taking damage, he can simply hop down out of the map, recharge his shields, and go through the sender node back into the map. Moving on, the map itself is decent. Some nice aesthetic structures, such as the tunnel, which has been done many times before, but is always easy on the eyes. Although the only geomerging I could find was the box that you use as a ramp to the trip mine. Many other items could have been merged to prevent grenades from running away from you. I also thought that for such a small map, you didn't have much cover which, in this case, results in mucho spawn kills. The grav lift could have been easier to effectively use, but it does its job. All in all, I would say this map needs a makeover, or maybe some implants, but it's okay. 6/10
Pros The idea is new Good interlocking Cons Way to much power weapons Needs more geo-merging Can get out of the map Overall:nice map but the amount of power weapons it has holds it back of being very good. 3.5/5.0