7th Column v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Marcara 08, Aug 24, 2008.

  1. Marcara 08

    Marcara 08 Ancient
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    EDIT: Let me know if the images are ever messed up. They've already done so once and I'd like to know if they suddenly decide to do so again.

    I posted a v1 of 7th Column about a week ago entitled 7th Column vMLG. Turns out you can't have snipes or rocks on MLG Foundry maps. (lame) So I revamped the map according to some criticisms and have released this v2.

    7th Column v2

    Why 7th Column? 'Cause it's Bungie, it's cool, and I put the 7th Column symbol at the top of the map!


    BR- 9 (10 sec)
    Carbine- 5 (10 sec)
    Mauler- 1 (120 sec, 1 extra clip)
    Plasma Pistol- 2 (60 sec)
    Frag Grenade- 4 (10 sec)
    Plasma Grenade- 4 (10 sec)

    This map isn't your ordinary Amplify or Onslaught rip-off. This should give you a good impression of the map.


    Lower Level



    Up the Ramp:






    And everywhere else:



    7th Column v2 supports all game types but is made specifically for 4v4 matches. (Except infection of course) As you can tell the map is completely symmetrical, with an A and B side. Also, although it may SEEM like it, the center of the map isn't a kill-zone. The way the rest of the map is constructed you DO NOT get a decent field of view on that lower area and it actually becomes an area to ESCAPE enemy fire. Some people posted this regarding the v1 so I figured I'd address that. Try it yourself and see.

    It's funny when I think about it, but every time I post this map in different groups etc. someone always says add more cover. What's funny is that is how it used to be until I consulted an MLG pro to take a look at the map. He said there was SO MUCH cover that it wouldn't be fast-paced enough for MLG so go figure. Anyway, download 7th Column vMLG if you want to play it with rocks and snipes and tons more grenades.

    That all that can be said I guess. Enjoy!

    #1 Marcara 08, Aug 24, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2008
  2. Jsten419

    Jsten419 Ancient
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    Very nice, unlike most multiple level maps, your's takes full advantage of the floor as a basement. Excellent job, and although I don't particularly like MLG, this map looks awesome.
  3. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    All the pictures arn't working for me but it sounds good from what ^ he said i will have to DL and see
  4. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    nice mlg map. i really like mlg maps cause they can get pretty competitive. just curious why did you call it 7th column. i was led to believe it was gonna actually be a gian 7th column
  5. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This really looks nice and is your best map. Good job on it and keep up the good work!
  6. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    Looks good for MLG, But I don't play MLG so no download from me. :( Looks good But even though its called 7th Column V2, I don't see the column?
  7. XxVIPERxX666

    XxVIPERxX666 Ancient
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    Pretty cool MLG map. They're some of the best made in my opinion because of how creative people get on them. 5/5 You should put up some action shots so we can see what combat is like on it. One question, how do you geo-merge walls and stuff into the 2 openings on wall? I know the floor and everything, but every time I try to do stairs and walls in those openings they always freak out and fall through the map! Can anyone help me with this?
  8. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
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    Wow this is really grewat and orginal but nothing like the V.1 i think, any who i think you should add some cover and also a bubble shield for when your under attack from the side wall you put there.
  9. colbster94

    colbster94 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this is great. you make good maps.congrats 4 teh awesomeness!
  10. Shisko Uzaka

    Shisko Uzaka Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like the Map alot 5/5
  11. Joe Cool 58

    Joe Cool 58 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This maps looks pretty cool. 5/5 I think some of your pictures are messed up though. You might want to fix them.
  12. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dood! That is ****ing amazing. I am glad that you made a V2 with the correct setup for Foundry MLG maps.

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