
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by JackSm4ck, May 25, 2008.

  1. JackSm4ck

    JackSm4ck Ancient
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    Assault the Plane (747) V1

    Made by XSilentFutureX and JackSm4ck


    Set up for 1 Bomb Assault.

    Enjoy and Rate/Comment!
    #1 JackSm4ck, May 25, 2008
    Last edited: May 25, 2008
  2. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    nice plane, looks fun for assault
  3. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    Interesting Idea actually
    looks nicely executed except maybe the armoury never liked them my self although they are pretty just not to good for gameplay.
  4. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Thats pretty cool, but no offence, i dont see a plane, i see a long hallway with some sharp edges, ill DL and see if it looks more like a plane in gameplay, but by the pics, i just dont see one.
    and also, make it so that the armory is filled with guns with low ammo so that you can put like 5 BRs in there but all the ammo will ammount to like 1 or 2 filled BRs.
  5. JackSm4ck

    JackSm4ck Ancient
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    It's too big to fit the whole thing in a pic!
  6. XSilentFutureX

    XSilentFutureX Ancient
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    Thanks for the suggestions, we'll try to incorporate them if we make another version, and yes we also know our aesthetic forging skills are lacking, this is only our second released map so dont be too harsh =P. Anyway if you download it we hope you enjoy it!

    o and btw with the armory it's not one sided like with most of them, both sides have one, the counter terrorists have their own in the cockpit, and through playtesting we found both to be quite balanced, infact we had to remove a few things from the plane area because it was too cheap for the terrorists.
    #6 XSilentFutureX, May 25, 2008
    Last edited: May 25, 2008
  7. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    either your good with words or you really have justified an armoury!
  8. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
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    awesome a plane! just a suggestoin, but i think that a one flag or infection type game would be epic will give her a dl and check it out
  9. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Well the idea is very nice but I have some suggestions.Well first from reading the weapon list I realized theres about 1 of every weapon and grenade besides gravity hammer, which means that is a little to overpowered and just weird for a pretty small map.Second the map at some points looks a little sloppy and un-planish.Third I dont really see a plane in the pictures i just see like a hallway with a circular room and a room with barries in it.
    Suggestions:1.Take off or balance out the weapons ,maybe instead of putting most of them in the armory put them around the plane or on forklifts or whatever.
    2.The wings need to be 3 dimensional ,more up ,curved , and npt ugly bridges that are faced up (face the bridges on their backs because they look better without those little ledges on the sides).
    3.Make the front of the cokpit curved to look like a real plane.
    4 Make some parts of the plane not sloppy.The roof of it is so just interlock most of that.Other things would look much better interlocked in the plane to.

    I know this sounds hard and seeing you ran out of budget I'm going to have to say just to restart but with an unlimited budget foundry map.

    Hope I helped.
  10. XSilentFutureX

    XSilentFutureX Ancient
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    i think a bit of both ;)
    thanks, we are thinking of making an infection "snakes on a plane" type game!
    thanks for all the suggestions, everything helps,

    1.regarding the issue with lots of weapons and power weapons in the armory its all there for a purpose, and believe it or not we removed some from the 2 armories for balancing, what you see thats left in the final version is a few power weapons to add to the franticness of the close quarters combat, and both teams have good weapons so one side is not stronger than the other, also there are some random weapons scattered throughout the plane and we didnt put any around the field or forklifts because that would be pointless to the backstory and would be a hinderance to the game having players walk around the map in the field looking for weapons when the focus is the plane.

    2.Yes that is, i do agree that they are ugly, but we were out of budget as you said and couldnt do much more unfortunately, again we'll work with unlimited budget canvases next time, if only there were unlimited items though...

    3. We did try that, we interlocked 2 wall corners at a 45 degree-ish angle but again we really didnt have the resources to make it perfect, we tried our best though.

    4. Yeah, we started out interlocking lots of stuff and putting in effort but we got sloppier and sloppier, and the cockpit was really annoying, to curve it and make a nice floor we had to interlock lots of items, and it looks bad, but you don't really notice it amongst the intense fighting going on, and we tried interlocking the roof, but it proved difficult, and we got abit lazy:p our fault there sorry.

    all in all thankyou very much for all the suggestions, all these little things and tips help alot, and yes you did help thankyou very much =D
  11. JackSm4ck

    JackSm4ck Ancient
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    And we ran out of window panels =O

    Yeah actually it was YOUR fault. I suggested we make it look nice but you're just like "yeah nobody will see it or care if its a little messy lololol" and just threw a whole bunch of crap onto the roof. =O
    #11 JackSm4ck, May 25, 2008
    Last edited: May 25, 2008
  12. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    I think you could have made the plane a lot better. Armourys and flamethrower in tight halls are never a good idea. Other then thoughs two small flaws I think this a really good map.

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