"7" is a map designed for king of the hill or neutral assault. There are two bases, leading to a long corridor in the middle. At the end of it, there´s the hill/bomb. Two small weapon chambers can be entered from the bases. It´s best for 2 versus 2 up to 5 versus 5. (IF YOU GIVE THIS MAP 1 STAR ONLY PLS TELL ME WHY. I HATE PEOPLE RATING 1 STAR FOR FUN!) Screenshots: Download: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Hill gametype: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Neutral Assault gametype: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Hey this looks very good and what not but the only problem with this post is the thread title. Please change the name to just the name of the map. To do so, click edit post, then click, "Go advanced" and then just delete the current title and type in the map name. THank you.
Yeah i thought about that too, but my friend said it´d be better, and i made the teleporters save (no assassinating/camping behind it).
Ugh, I saw the number '7' and thought this was a spam post. Oh well. I don't come in the maps section that often, and it looks like your map is just under feature worthy. I would download it, though.
I played this and it was so much fun 5/5, i luv the interlocking great jib and always remember forge is the way
for the most part it looks alright... i wish you could have supplied more pics, unless ofcourse it's very small.
forggin looks good, the stairs look a little crooked, but playable. It seems like it has a cool layout, with some crouching rooms, ive never been able to master the multi-story thing. i like this though, lookks cool good job bro,