Vote for your favorite or favorites in the poll! Note that I didn't use very many effects; but that shouldn't matter as long as the screens accomplish what they're meant to accomplish. These pics are experimentations with the use of lines, contrast, and perspective to change the way a shot is viewed. I've tried for simplicity and elegance with these, so keep that in mind when rating them! Burst Target Locked The Opening Energy Scratch Salvo Torch Don't forget to vote for your favorite(s) in the poll!
I'm liking Burst and Energy. I think that it's the blending of colours from the weapon fire that works the best. Although, some of them are are simple, I think that has actually done good for the screenshot.
I like the carbine (Energy) one best, the pose of diving into the fray whilist burning your enemies with radioactive fuel rods, and the bright green listing just struck me. The angle of the helmet and positioning of the legs make it look like the guy is ready to smash into whoever's below him, blow their brains out and still not give a ****. It's 2:08, I'm exaggerating with tiredness. But I do like that one. EDIT: The angle of Burst makes it sig-able. Try that out,
Personally, my favorites are the first four. Here are my reviews on each of them. Burst: This picture to me makes it seem like he's diving into enemy territory and shooting his way into a safe area. The spikers give a very appealing feel to it as does the shots. As you said you were trying without effects which is great so 5/5 for this one Target Locked: I'm not sure why i like this picture. I think it's the laser, it just sticks out more than anything else. 4/5 The Opening:This picture looks good too the blue rays covering the Spartans face are positioned perfectly. It also looks like there is an explosion coming from his testicles to ( i needed to add some type of immaturity) Energy: My favorite picture of all. Looks like he's diving down shooting whatever moves. This spartan demands blood. Anyway, The shot of this Carbine blends in greatly with the Spartans armor and gives off a great feel to it. 5/5 Hope you like the review
They all look the same, just differnt weponds and slightly different angles. Though Energy does look the best of the group in my opinion. 2/5
Thanks a ton for the review! It's greatly appreciated, and I'm very happy to know that a few of them were good. XD This is all pretty new to me, so having positive feedback is really something I didn't expect!
They all suck in my opinion. Once you get into Graphic designing, everything you use to love starts sucking. Sorry. And... you need effects. Badly. Blue room, green room, gold room, explosions, you need to exaggerate the picture you have going on man.
These are some great examples of solid action shots. I suppose it doesn't take amazing effects or forge art to make something appeal to the eye. One of my favorites is burst. The feeling the viewer gets of action through the spikes flying past the camera makes the shot very appealing to the eye. The mixes of yellow and blue in the fire from the spikers is another great look. There's contrast between the two colors making the weapons into a nice focal point. That's what separates Burst from most of the others. The opening is another of my favorites because of the visual attraction to the entirely white corner. Shots like scratch and salvo are a bit too plain. The blue rays in The Opening are also another eye-catcher. They blend well with the auroras in the background, making the focal flow with the background, just as the blue flames in Burst help the yellow fire blend with the sky. For more reference, here is what I feel about each other shot individually. Target Locked - I feel this one is almost as good as Burst and The Opening, but it lacks a focal point that the viewer will constantly bee attracted to. Energy - A good focal point, but there simply isn't much else to it. Burst had the spikes flying by, while The Opening had the blue rays. A nice shot, but not the best of the bunch. Scratch and Salvo - These two have an extreme lack of a focal point. The fact that scratch actually looks like a purple scratch in the sky is cool, but simply not enough for a straight up action shot. Both are simply a bit too simple. Torch - Much like energy, there's a good focus on the fire in its contrast with the rest of the blackened shot, but it's very simple. Any kid could come right along and say, "wtf itz just a flamthroer. Anybuddy cud do that. 1/5". All around, they're very good action shots. I stress on these needing a focal point because there's nothing a pure action shot can offer other than eye-catching yummyness. I used to hate my art teacher for telling me these things, but I've come to realize over the years that it is very true. Let's say and effect shot is a painting, a forge art shot is a drawing, and an action shot is a plain old photograph. If the painting and drawing are done with talent, they don't need much else to please an audience. Anyone, however, can take a photograph. If you want yours to be better than the rest it must have all of these elements of art that are rather painstaking to set up. I can tell you right now I know twice as much about graphic design as this fewl. Shots relying solely on effects are for wimps. It takes a true artist to make something amazing out of nothing.
Your a graphic designer, cool My favourite screenshot is the first one, but i also like scratch, i dont know why, it just appeals to me, anyway good screenshots overall
>.> You haven't been where I have. Seriously, the poses are horrible, the angles are at peevish positions where it looks like a noob shot, and it just looks like a screenshot you find off of when they're previewing a new map with action shots.
You have no taste...Screenshots can be epic without Fx + other Effects. You just have to look at them differently. These shots are great and are very rare now. Keep them coming. 4.5/5
Guys I think energy is the best and my least favorite are the ones with the needler (only because there the same from to angles) the flame throwers one is average and the rest all get 3/5
Overall it's a great gallery in my opinion. I really like Burst and Energy for the color blending of the weapons fire. Scratch is very unique and I'd never think to make a scratch using the needler's glowing purple trail. I'm not very fond of Salvo though, even though it's almost just like a different angle of Scratch, it just seems blander. Target locked is pretty good,the laser makes it look really cool because it's about to fire. The opening is really cool, but the only thing is that the rays got on the spartans face, and I'm not sure if it's just me, but I've never really liked shots like that. Great Job overall though. Keep It Up.
And you haven't been where I have. There's not much of a way to put angles and poses with halo screenshots and you know it. A spartan is a spartan no matter what angle you look at it from. Every angle has something different to offer. All you can control with an action shot from Halo 3 are the elements and principles of art and design, such as balance, flow, and contrast. And I think Debo does a pretty good job with that in a few of these.
Mmm. Target Locked is the only one that really catches my eye, probably because of the red against the black. I know that you mentioned that they're just experimentations, but if they are, then why post them? They don't have much to them, so I don't feel like there's a reason for me to rate them. Just save them and use them for reference to make better screenshots later. I honestly don't see the point for posting these. I can't give you constructive criticism, unlike a map. Yeah.