This is a great idea. I've come up with some ideas for contests but have't posted them because of the recent influx of contests ideas. It would be nice to have a place to throw some ideas out there without getting flamed for doing so.
Perhaps I will instigate one once the judging for this one has finished because, honestly, starting one now seems a bit much. Gotta give the people time to recouperate. That, and theres just too many good games coming out lately to focus all of ones time on delving into Forge once again.
Sorry about the delay in judging guys. Here's a quick update: Cryppy, ♥Sky, and Broccollipie are no longer judging due to busy schedules and the fact that they're on the opposite end of the world from me, which was making it difficult to get together at a reasonable time. It will be just me and Draw the Line judging the maps now. Speaking of which, Draw the Line has gotten back to me. He has already gone through 1/3 of the maps with some of his friends. I trust his judgment regarding the maps he's already played and will be joining him after this coming Tuesday to finish the rest of them. Anyways, I just wanted to fill you guys in and let you know it will be getting done soon. Sorry there isn't a definitive date, but expect results in the next week or so.
So... much... antici.........pation! This has been a fun contest! Thanks again for your hard work Frozenlynx! I know you guys are doing your best to be fair and give every map it's far shake
Hmm... I retract my previous statement about Lynx not being a judge. It appears as though he is. Bah! Consider it bribery if you must, but I stand by my statement saying he's done a good job at getting this contest going etc. And also, kudos to DTL for basically shouldering the brunt of the judging duties. He must be either extremely dedicated, or have a helluva lot of time on his hands. Or both.
when is the next contest because i wanna enter my map. ive had people tell me its really good and to submit it to like MLG and arena so if you could tell me when the next one is i would really appreciate it. Thanks.
These contests are usually one time things, and most require making a map specifically for the contest. We currently have a coliseum wall contest going (the discussion thread is pinned) if you would like to participate, but we try to have variety in the contests so I doubt we will see another budget based one.
I like the idea that someone brought up earlier in this thread, I think. The contest was to take an already pre-existing Forged Bungie map and rearrange the pieces to make another map. Obviously some (Uncaged, Asylum) would be better used than others (Hemmorhage) as there are more pieces in some than others. But the idea for it really popped out at me, and I think, if anyone were to make another contest any time soon, this would be a nice idea.
Please god no more contests! Plus that would be difficult to moderate. Also WTF is happening with this. I have been available for the past like week and a half for judging and nothing has happened?
I didn't mean right now, Cryp, I mean when we are all good and ready for another contest. Wouldn't be that hard, just look at the Forge budget left in the original map, check the counts of all the objects, make a list, and compare peoples entries. And concerning the judging... I guess that's why they haven't gotten in contact with you for the judging.
Draw the Line has been AWOL for a while now...I'm currently talking to other people about judging/ helping me play through these. I apologize for how ridiculous this **** has been- believe me, it's been more irritating for me than it has for you guys.
As far as Im concerned take all the time you need. May the best map win and good luck to you all. And Lynx, if for some reason you are in need of a test of a map and Im online ill help out.
^ This. Take all the time you need, not like anyone's life is hinging on the results being shown ASAP.
Hm... I missed the deadline by a bit. I'm such a slow forger >_< You guys getting close to announcing the winners?
I'm online a lot and alway's willing to play forged maps lynx. Feel free to invite me any time I'm online. GT: a proud nerd