Hello forgehub, recently my xbox live account has ran out of gold membership time. This has proven to be a problem, seen as how Microsoft discontinued the one month Xbox Live cards. So, during my conquest to get a 3 month, I was wondering if anybody here could spare a 48 Hour trial to keep me going until I can get it. It would be greatly appreciated.
I had one laying around since I bought Halo Wars, but I might have thrown it away, because I can't find it. If I do, I'll send you a message. Good luck.
I have a few lying around, ill see if i used those on Amber's account yet, if not then ill let you have one Just message me if you haven't got one yet and try to send you one.
I have a 1 month. But I am in desperate need of some MPs. If you wanna do a MPs trade for my 1 month I would be happy to give it to you.