420 Created by USNSEABEE555 Supported Gametypes: SLAYER TS Map Description celebrate this years 420 holiday with family and friends...with a new bud smokers only map! Happy 420!!! overview A gift to the buddah blesser's among the forum...420 is approaching fast!! Download 420
Haha, points for originality. So 420 is a holiday? Oh well, you might want to flip the boxes over. It gives you a nice solid color, it's less bumpy, and it gives you a grid to work with. Creative idea, this would probably be considered an aestjetic map, it was made for looks, not gameplay.
It looks like the teleporter and mancannons could be somewhat flawed.. If you moved to the side a bit as you spawned, you could fall off and you wouldn't be able to get back up without using grenades. Oh yeah, also, you could just grenade jump everywhere. But still, I like the nice easy design. Some flaws could be fixed, but netherless, nice forging, good job! 3/5 overall?
Nice design, I'm quite surprised that nobody (including me) came up with this design. From the weapon placement I can see that this map is aesthetics only. A pity, because the layout itself could make a pretty good map. Could you make a v2 wich is playable? Also, BatteryIncluded is right. Flip the boxes.