4 BAKED SPIDERS No, this is not a seqel to 3 Fried Ants, the name is just a reference because that was the greatest map of all time. Anyways, I only have two pictures for you. Enjoy... This is the upper level of the map. The red and blue lights represent Man Cannons that fire you into each base. This is underneath the map. There are four total paths that lead below the main floor. Feedback? gogogo
Do you plan on placing mancannons between the outer parts of the cross? Otherwise the actual gameplay could be restricted almost entirely to the middle area. It looks fun for multi-team!
may i ask what the hell is up with that name please???? also the map looks nice but you should make a specific gametype for it.
Hear me out Sticky! Spoiler A CIRCLE. JUST LISTEN. A CIRCLE. A BIG. A BIG CIRCLE. AROUND THE WHOLE LEVEL. AND GIVE. GIVE IT. NO COVER. AT ALL. AND IT WILL BE AMAZING. Good luck, and I like it, the only issue is that Spoiler You don't have a huge god damn circle around the whole map