Opps wrong link... GO here in my file share.. Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details and don't forget to rate it!
lol arent all pics in halo 3 3D. Anyways heres my rating. 2/5 for angle [very common] 2/5 for lighting[also very common] 4/5 for pose[not alot of people take pics with raised weapons now] overall 3/5
yeah the animation is 3D but look at the spiker... it looks like its popping right at you. and also it gives you the feeling that the spartan is walking up to u at the same time. Just stair at it for a few secs.. and you'll see it.
no no I know what you meen. oh yah maybe edit your post because seriously " it looks like its pooping right at you."I dont know if you did that on purpose but that is funny. lol
nice pic. looks really nice, if i would have taken that pic i probably would have called it "the punisher" or something like that, again, good job 5/5
wow that is seriously spam. Onto the picture. The picture looks really good yet i prefer the one in your sig the green just appeals to me : ] but i love the white in the background on this picture to : ] 4/5
the pic is really cool. its like ohhh hay there? What? ohh, these are just my spikers. ohh you want to see them ok whaammmmm!!!
That is very cool but try to use differnent weapons.Like i always see dual spikers try dual magnums,dual plasma pistols,dual smgs or a sbiper at a good angle. OnTopic: Ok but the lighting throws it off.Ity is ok.
Because If you look at it the right spiker is darker than rest of the picture, giving it the main focus. You know what I mean. The first thing you see when you look at the picture is the spiker, because it is the thing that stands out the most.