3D dominos in Sketchup and Sketchy Physics. Just something I did in my free time. [youtube]A2CjczN5uPg[/youtube]
.... wow. Before Forge Hub and Halo 3 started hogging all my free time I used to play with SketchUp to make a model of my apartment (I also designed a deck for my parents' house which we have since built). I even got iRender to make the lighting look good. I can see that it has now gotten way out of my scope. Or if not, and I start playing with this physics thingy, you may not see me here much for a while.
Is that Sketchyphysics Beta 2? It's way better! You can have joints controlled by slider/ a real ps2 (or any controller w/ joysticks) and it is sweet! Same thing happened to me. Lol. F3D brought me back to SU, and Sketchyphysics beta 2 is keeping me. It is amazing! I'll give you a link and a cool model I made...