Oh really? shutter speed is pretty much self explanatory, its the amount of time the shutter is left open for exposure, aperture is dealing with the field of depth. So pretty much to go more descriptive for shutter speed, if you have high shutter speed you'll be able to catch clearer images of moving objects, whereas if you have lower shutter speed you'll be able to get both better pictures while the camera is in motion and also be able to get time lapse photos with a blur of the subject moving. Ex. A tennis ball being tossed would have a blur of where it was the entire time the shutter was open. I'll probably pm you either tomorrow or Friday, I need to get my pictures onto a thumb drive before I can pm them to you. PS. by high shutter speed I mean that the shutter opens and closes VERY fast, like less than tenth of a second. low shutter seed by my terms would be like 4 seconds.
You shouldn't shoot anything slower than 1/30th imo unless you're going for a blurred effect. VERY fast would probably be like 1/500th to 1/1000th of a second
Yeah, true, but some things you have to pan the camera and have higher than 1/30th, and your very fast is extremely fast but yeah, I think everyone should get the point now. Any pics for today? I should be able to pm you some stuff tomorrow btw.
With no joke, if you took one guess what I did today in photography...I'm sure you would probably guess right. My teacher explained what iso, aperture, shutter speed, depth, and exposure are. lol Today I actually took a picture today, instead of using one of my pictures taken in school. Also, pic related it's my *****:
Obviously you're trolling in your first statement. As for your second statement, obviously my focal is the flowers. Here's for the past two:
Obviously, you're a jackass who doesn't recognize that other people are going out of their way to support your efforts. Talk about buzz kill, man.
Not at all, I was pretty much assuming you were joking hence the fact I stated about 3 times that if I missed a day I would simply upload 2 the following day. Sorry if I came off as a pretentious douche, but all your comments make me seem like I know everything about photography, I don't. Also, hopefully you and everyone else figured out by now, that in no way shape or form, am I a professional or even great at photography. I agree hpm, I've only taken photography class for a month, I don't think there's any reason for me to any better than mediocre. That's why with practice and more knowledge about photography, I will only get better, besides this is something I enjoy doing. Also, thanks for the positive support mich, appreciate bro. So hopefully I cleared everything up now. As for today's picture, try and guess what it is.
Any further flaming in this thread will be dealt with. As for the picture, I have absolutely no idea.
I know you're not a pro, that's why I was trying to help by giving some constructive criticism... but i felt like you kinda bashed me down, so i naturally got a bit pissed off about it
Wow, last picture is kinda wonky. Ill try and get my pics mp'd to you today, sorry for the delay, we've been working with analog cameras and in the darkroom lately so no chance to get them off the computer at school, maybe today though. keep up the good work, you can only get better. (Not criticism, encouragement)
What kind of camera are you using to take these pictures? I assume it's pretty good cause some of these photos look brilliant. I'm quite impressed... (BTW, sorry if you already told this before as I was lazy and didn't go through the pages very well.) I consider myself a novice at photography since I've learned a lot of my stuff online and what my mom has thought me through the years. I never really did take a photography class since when I was in one; I found it a complete joke. :/