343 Industries' Full Halo 4 Multiplayer Weapon Tuning Livestream

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by BurningHero74, May 19, 2013.

  1. BurningHero74

    BurningHero74 Promethean

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    Battle Rifle - 4 shot kill (11 rounds), Reduced ROF
    LightRifle - Increased Scoped ROF
    DMR - Reduced Red Reticle Range
    Covenant Carbine - 7 shot kill, Reduced Projectile Spread
    Magnum - Slight Damage Buff (still 6sk however)
    Automatics - Increased Damage, Reduced Auto Aim/Magnetism
    Mantis - 35% Damage Increase for Chaingun
    LAAG Warthog - 35% Damage Increase for Chaingun

    Recorded Friday, 5/17/2013 on twitch.tv
    All rights reserved for 343 Industries

  2. Narfidy444

    Narfidy444 Promethean
    Senior Member

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    That guy's face at the beggining... It was so derp. Also... Ninja what the hell was up with your suit? Carbine was/is my favorite gun to use. So faster kill time is all that much better. I like what they did with the BR. 11 bullet kill. LR buff makes me smile and DMR nerf makes me orgasm.

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