30 new achievements leaked at PAX! (pics!)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by SCUPizzaBoy, Sep 2, 2008.

  1. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    The date could jsut be when they were initially scheduling to release the map pack. Release dates always change. We were shown Avalanche about a month before the map packs release, so its not out of the impossible.
  2. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Keep in mind that the achievement in question is for Co-Op Legendary. Not the map pack, but the Campaign. This could mean that we'll be getting some, if not all, of these in the AU.
  3. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Oooh, this is true! The only exceptions would be the skulls on the new maps.
  4. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Hmm, that is an interesting point. How the hell is that going to work? Do you have to find the skull in MM when a bunch of d00ds are trying to kill you? It would certainly make it harder, but yeesh. I still don't have all the current achievements (yes, I'm lame).
  5. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I hope its not during matchmaking, then you're going to have half a team screaming at you to protect them so they can get a skull while you get your ass kicked. If anything you'll have to grab it during a customs match, becuase you could probably just fly up there in monitor mode and grab it in forge...

    Or maybe the skull is in not so hidden place, but you have to kill someone with it to unlock the achievement.
  6. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Just two more days until the next Bungie Update, and it could be a big one. That gives a good 20 days for everyone to get all hyped up for the release. So I don't think that's a reason to say it's fake.

    As for skulls on Multiplayer maps.. that makes no sense. At all. If anything, I think they may be updating the campaign a little and adding more skulls. If that's even possible. Boy, I know G04 would be excited... He plays WAY too much campaign.
  7. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Except one of the achievements is on the map Assembly....which is a multiplayer map.
  8. Rogue Shadow IV

    Rogue Shadow IV Ancient
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    I still don't get how we can get the 7 exp on th 7th does that just mean we have to get 7 exp points and also all we have to do with the skull thing on Assembly is just go in forge mode and look around unless you can only find the skull during Matchmaking.
  9. Rogue Shadow IV

    Rogue Shadow IV Ancient
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    Thinking about it now I don't know how they would release the mythic pack in a month they don't even have much info for Space Camp also know "Moon Base Alpha." Sorry for double posting. :embarassed:
  10. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
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    Interesting... Assembly is a new map I know. so it stands as 6 new maps. Alright. I like this. Now why are there skulls on the maps? How would one go about getting these because to me is simply seems like one could forge and capture them all without difficulty.

    Assembly: We have seen pictures a heavily covie designed level. As the name sounds it seems it could either be some sort of covie weapons factory or a new forge playground like Foundry.

    Heretic: Now this is a tough name to put a guess on. I'd say another covie based map or maybe a remake of some older halo map I do not recognise at this time.

    Citadel: This name to me brings up warlock. Tall imposing structures. I don;t know, this is all speculation.

    Sandbox: Another name that seems similar to the whole forge ability. From the name one would assume that it's similar in regards to Sandtrap, a sand covered map.

    Orbital: This sounds similar to Moonbase alpha. If I remember correctly it will be a base what had been left in the middle of normal operations, a statue of the slipstream drive creators and somewhat long hallways with possible doors that could be opened and closed.

    Longshore: I'd swear a water beach map. Or possibly a midship remake.
  11. Mr. Moustache

    Mr. Moustache Ancient
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    Citadel actually sounds like Ascension to me. Or possibly something close, with high catwalks maybe, and watch-your-step type gameplay.
  12. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Does that honestly look like a covenant foundry to you?
  13. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
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    Hell I can;t understand anything covie based... All i know is that I like their wraith and some of the weapons.

    Frankly I can;t tell what it is... I looks to have grav lifts high above the bases, a big tower that you can go inside in the middlw and multiple levels. friends who were at Pax and played the map said it was confusing and you could get lost easily. I simply have been looking at the map's name along with that I have learned and seen about the map.
  14. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    The name Longshore makes you think of a small, enclosed symmetrical covie map? Weird. Anyway, I think Bungie has said they're not doing a Midship remake.

    Good call on Orbital. I'd bet anything you're right on that one. And Sandtrap was always one of my favorite maps when Halo 3 first came out, so I'd be extremely excited if the next forge map was giant, flat desert.

    As for theories on skulls, G04 and I were just talking about that. What if it's kinda like the last skull in campaign, where you have to interact with the map scenery in a specific way to make the skull appear? G04 brought up shooting the birds. Notice how there are birds on nearly all the maps? Something like this could be a good possibility I think.
  15. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    It's a shame none of those make me think of boarding action.

    Imagine how cool that map would be with the same forge options as Foundry...
  16. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
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    ... God I hate those birds they never die on any of the levels when i shoot at them... I've lasered several of them when I could and they never die. Simply squirt blood and keep flying. Last Resorthas the worst. As for the whole Midship... it's actually quite a following of people hoping for it. I simply followed that line of thought and guessed the names are similar in an odd sort of way. Mid is a distance, as is long. Shore is water based and a ship sails on water equalling a similarity.

    As I said everything I post is speculative and frankly if Bungie gets annoyed they could simply pull these items away from us for the time being.
  17. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    Neverless they never said they're not remaking midship, they just said purple reign wasn't midship. There's reason to believe they are remaking it too considering the former bungie tester who accurately called the entire legendary map pack, and has recon, said one was being made (this was on mlg forums), but I highly doubt Longshore would be that map, lol.

    If we got six new maps. hakdkahkahkhakhaka, I'd poop myself in excitement especially if they get released on the 25th.

    What really excites me is it appears that all those maps will actually be in the next map pack. YAYZ.
  18. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Is that how you came up with that? lol Interesting train of thought there, but I think it's a bit of a stretch.

    I suppose they could be making a Midship remake, and I would certainly be happy about it. I would've preffered a Midship remake over Lockout anyway.
  19. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    I just got done reading this post by a bungie forum mod:

    Bungie mod:

    I was at PAX. I saw the new achievements, and I saw what it took to reach them. It was no accident; at the end of the day, as Bungie and PAX were shutting down for the day, a PAX visitor sat down at a monitor and deliberately started clicking through to reach achievements, taking advantage of the distractions. Bungie employees were cleaning up for the day and had their backs turned, which is the only reason that the achievements were up for as long as they were. As soon as they noticed, they came over and turned off the television. The same PAX visitor who clicked through to view the achievements had also taken some photographs, and asked a Bungie employee if he could post them. The Bungie employee asked this person not to post them, and the person who originally looked at the achievements has, so far, held true to their promise and neither posted nor discussed the achievements.

    The damage, however, was done. Other people had also taken pictures in that short timespan using both cell phone cameras and regular digital cameras. These are the pictures that you see posted all over the internet now.

    ANY person who was there can tell you that Bungie did not want these pictures taken, and the only reason that people were able to view the achievements at all is because an ambitious PAX visitor took advantage of Bungie being distracted at the end of the day.

    This was not a case of Bungie "purposely displaying" its achievements.

    And opog, shame on you -- I told you all of this via private message and you continue to act naive as to what the actual situation was.

    I understand that it is not only the right, but also the responsibility of the press and the media to be open about news and information that they are able to dig up. But this was not the press or media -- these are people who call themselves Bungie fans. People who presumably understand Bungie's desire and need for secrecy in new projects. And people who should respect it.

    Discussing the pictures? Well hell, once the horse has left the barn, you may as well ride it. But going through the somewhat devious process of reaching the new achievements, and then taking pictures, and then proceeding to POST the pictures despite the fact that Sketch made it obvious that they were not supposed to be seen (and I know all the people who took pictures and they were there when Sketch turned the TV off)? That's something that I hope a true Bungie fan (who presumably wants to see the company succeed) would refrain from.

    This is a disappointment for me in the Bungie Community -- a small one, considering all of the awesomeness I saw from the Bungie Community in general at PAX and over the last few days, to be sure. But a disappointment nonetheless.

    Like many other community members, I have and will continue to refuse to discuss anything regarding these photographs except to echo Recon Number 54's sentiments in my usual concise style.


    Friday update officially to announce this stuff and kick ass.
  20. forgyforge

    forgyforge Ancient
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    THIS IS AUSOME. I can't wait until it comes out. Thanks for the achievments BTW.

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