I was wondering if halo 3 is going to be taken off of xbl soon? and if it is can I still play custom games with multiple xboxs without a system link?
Why should it be taken off? The only reason Halo 2 isn't playable anymore, is because the xbl support for all the original Xbox games got closed down. Multiple Xboxes without system link/xbl? How is that possible?
If 343i decides to shut down Halo 3, I honestly won't be surprised. Halo is moving on into a new generation, which means the old generation has to die. It happened to Halo 2, so I think the same might happen to Halo 3. I'm hoping it won't happen for a long time though.
They have to keep halo 3 it was the one of the best online games. Hopefully Halo 4 will be just as great so they wont ever think of getting rid of it. besides, RedvsBlue is perfect for halo 3
To reiterate LD, Halo 2 was taken down because Xbox Live support for all original Xbox games was removed. I don't see Halo 3 being taken down any time remotely soon. However, this is just my opinion.
I heard somewhere (I'm thinking a youtube vid) that they said that they were shutting down the servers for halo 3, but I'm not too sure if that was a reliable source or not. Go poking around 343i's website. You could find something there.